
topicnews · September 27, 2024

Coach Colatrella comments on the difficult situation

Coach Colatrella comments on the difficult situation

“It’s a crisis of results, not a real crisis” – coach Colatrella comments on FC Baden’s difficult situation

FC Baden is in a difficult phase. Most recently, he suffered four defeats in the series, which meant he slipped to third-to-last place in the table. Why did this sudden break-in happen? What’s going on with the offense? And what about the morale of the team? Coach Genesio Colatrella in an interview.

The Baden offensive has not yet gotten rolling.

Image: Alexander Wagner

Genesio Colatrella, first the most important question: How is Fabio Solimando, who collapsed during the home game against FC Rapperswil-Jona?

We don’t yet know exactly why this happened and what exactly is wrong with him. He was driven to the hospital by his father during the break and had to be checked there. He’s actually doing well considering the circumstances, but training isn’t an issue for him at the moment. Because it wasn’t just a circulatory collapse, it could be something with the heart muscle. His values ​​are now being carefully checked.

The team is in shock after the incident.

Definitely. It happens right in front of our bank. It folded without any outside influence. This brought back bad memories of the Christian Eriksen case. Luckily he came to and was able to leave the field on his own. But the players were off their game after that.

Your team has now lost four times in the series. Is FC Baden now in crisis?

It is a consequential crisis, not a real crisis. Of course, a liberation move would be good for us, but we also have to accept that we are in a phase of discovery. Not everything is going according to plan, that’s normal. But it should also be said that the games so far have always been very close, we were never swept off the pitch. The team works, but it is not yet consistent enough.

How long will this discovery phase last?

Something like this cannot be predicted exactly. I’m sure the team will get rolling at some point. We’ve also been unlucky with injuries so far. The winter break will definitely help us because we can finally do proper preparation with the entire team. That wasn’t the case in the summer.

Colatrella tries to have lots of conversations with his team.

Colatrella tries to have lots of conversations with his team.

Alexander Wagner

The start of the season was great, there were two wins and two draws. Why did your team lose momentum after that?

The English week was probably crucial as we had three games in seven days. At the end of this week we lost 3-0 in Brühl. We were mercilessly shown that we still lack routine. Davide Giampà was also missing due to an injury. That probably gave the players pause, and we’ve been lacking ease ever since.

The Baden team is not only newly put together, but also has many young top performers. Isn’t that also a risk in this mentally challenging situation?

There are two sides. On the one hand, young players are generally unconcerned because they have nothing to lose. But on the other hand, routine can also help you not lose your nerve after a few defeats. But I would also like to say that we already have a few veterans and leaders in the team with Giampà, Daniele Romano, Nicola Peter and Albin Sadrijaj.

What are you doing to ensure that the team doesn’t lose faith in itself?

I know situations like this and often speak to the players’ conscience. It is important that we become braver and remain calm. I am sure the team understands that we are in a process and need to be patient.

Colatrella demands more courage from his team.

Colatrella demands more courage from his team.

Alexander Wagner

What is the mood in the team after four defeats in the series?

Nothing has changed in the generally good mood. You also have to look at the defeats differently. Losing to Rapperswil and Biel is no shame. They are among the favorites in this league and have high individual quality. We’re not at the point where we have to beat them yet. My team can sort it out, so I’m not worried.

And what was it like after the 0-1 defeat against FC Zurich U21, when your team even played in the majority for a half?

That was actually very bitter. Unfortunately, there are also games in which nothing works, that’s part of development. The team was certainly unsettled after the game. But I think she showed a different face against Rapperswil, even though there was another defeat. Morale is intact, I’m sure.

What makes you so sure?

We do a lot to promote team spirit. For example, team events take place regularly. And I’m also a coach who has a lot of conversations with his players. I notice that something is growing together within the team.

FC Baden have scored nine goals so far, only three teams in the league are more harmless. Why is that?

It is true that we are still not finding enough solutions on the offensive. We actually did quite well with Giampà in the early stages, but when he was injured we struggled. It’s not just about his good finishing – he can also hold the ball and create space for his teammates. If he doesn’t play, we have to change the system. And that didn’t work successfully while he was away.

Captain Giampà is in a discovery phase with FC Baden.

Captain Giampà is in a discovery phase with FC Baden.

Alexander Wagner

How does FC Baden become more dangerous?

The solution sounds simple: we have to look for shots more often and get more players into the opponent’s penalty area. However, there are numerous tactical options, so we need time and a lot of training so that we can form a good offensive.

There were only 649 spectators in the stadium against Rapperswil. The number has never been this low this season. Do you think that has anything to do with the results?

I can’t say exactly whether this has a connection. But of course more people come if we deliver good results. Accordingly, it is our incentive to show strong performances and exciting football in the Esp stadium.

Recently, after the defeat against Rapperswil, there was a discussion with the fan scene, what was going on?

The fans were already frustrated after the away defeat against Zurich. And I can understand that – we gave an emotionless performance. The fact that we lost again was bitter for all of us. But there was no explosive material in it, the tenor was motivating. I think such debates are fine. The fans are very important to us, they give us energy on the pitch. We are in a difficult phase, but we will get out of it together with our fans.

The fan scene is an important driving force for FC Baden.

The fan scene is an important driving force for FC Baden.

Alexander Wagner

You came to Baden with high expectations and want to lead the club back into the Challenge League. However, it currently looks as if a transition season is imminent.

We must not forget where we are coming. FC Baden felt like it was in free fall and I had to put together a completely new team. We also have strong competition in this league, there are clubs with more financial opportunities. It would be naive to think that we can now be at the top again. But it is also clear that the points yield is currently not satisfactory.

Are you currently feeling positive?

I am happy with the overall progress. We have made progress in various areas, and it’s not just about the sporting development of the first team, but also about the professionalization of the club. For example, we have been able to offer morning training once a week since September. We want to build on this even further because it will benefit us in the long term.

You have had strenuous weeks as a coach and sports director. Nevertheless, there were also a few critical voices. Are you still highly motivated?

The people around me understand what I achieve. I also feel a lot of appreciation there. And the players follow along, that motivates me. But it is also clear to me that most of the spectators and fans in the stadium simply want FC Baden to win in the end. And if things don’t work, then there is criticism. That’s how business works. I’ve been at it for a long time and know the mechanisms, so it doesn’t bother me.