
topicnews · September 27, 2024

Markus Moser helps when private health insurance becomes a cost trap – Extreme News – The slightly different news

Markus Moser helps when private health insurance becomes a cost trap – Extreme News – The slightly different news

Private health insurance certainly has many advantages – but as you get older it quickly becomes a cost trap. In order to ensure that the financial burden remains bearable, Markus Moser supports privately insured people in reducing their contribution payments. You can find out here what the Moser business law firm achieves for the insured and why they do not have to forego the usual level of services.

As the Association of Private Health Insurance e. V. reports, those insured will have to expect significantly higher contributions in 2025. The costs have already increased significantly in recent years. Older insured people, whose contribution rates are already at a high level, are hit particularly hard.

“Anyone who starts with a moderate contribution at a young age will notice by the time they retire that they have a serious problem,” says Markus Moser, managing director of the Moser business law firm. “Basically, by the age of 50 to 55, the costs have already reached a level that most people find difficult to accept. Many then turn to their insurer to get a premium reduction, but they naturally have little interest in this and offer a basic tariff at best. This is cheaper, but also less powerful – and the services are particularly in demand as you get older.”

“However, it is possible to save money without having to accept any loss of benefits, and this does not even require changing your health insurance,” adds the private health insurance expert. “For things to run smoothly, the privately insured person needs a partner who can take over the negotiations with their insurance company.” The Moser business law firm has been active for its customers since 1996 and has focused on private health insurance from the start.

The second-generation family business looks after existing customers who want to reduce their premiums and new customers who are looking for a suitable insurer. In addition, the Moser business law firm is also active in the area of ​​real estate and asset investments. With the expertise gained over 28 years, the commercial law firm enables its privately insured customers to save an average of 2,300 euros per year without reducing the level of benefits provided by their insurance. Markus Moser sees his law firm as an independent consultancy that wants to help as many privately insured people as possible.

How the Moser business law firm helps privately insured people

“Many privately insured people who contact us don’t initially believe that a reduction in their premiums is possible,” says Markus Moser. “We have been dealing with the issue of tariff changes for 15 years now and know the problems of the insured very well, while on the other hand we know how to find a solution.” The commercial law firm attaches great importance to a quick and precise way of working and being transparent Process. For your customers, this means that they only have to take the time to make three phone calls, each lasting no longer than 15 minutes. The experts then take action and negotiate with the insurance company to find the best solution for the individual case. This usually works even if the initial situation proves to be difficult. Good contacts with insurers are of course a prerequisite for this. The customers also have their own expenses and can sit back and relax, with the law firm being available to answer any questions at any time.

Probably the most important question for privately insured people who contact the Moser business law firm concerns the benefits of their insurance contract. A restriction in this regard would be a serious blow to most people. In contrast to other providers, the Moser law firm only offers a premium reduction if it is ensured that the services remain the same. If, despite tough negotiations, it turns out that this is not possible, there will generally be no conclusion. The law firm discusses this irrefutable principle with its clients in advance because it only sees its work as successful if a truly meaningful result can be achieved. However, such cases only occur very rarely because 80% of the law firm’s employees manage to implement the contribution reduction without a percent loss in benefits. For Markus Moser, the clearly stated goal is for the insured to stay with their current insurance company and save money with the same service.

Anyone who uses the service of the Moser business law firm

The customers of the Moser business law firm are predominantly self-employed people aged 50 and over. Many of them are already retired and suddenly realize that health insurance contributions make up a large part of their pension. Anyone who took out an insurance contract 35 years ago might have initially paid a moderate 250 D-Marks per month, while the contribution when they retire, even in a favorable autumn, is 650 to 750 euros. Since the increases do not stop at this point, those insured must expect to pay around 1,000 euros to their insurance company ten years later – unless they do anything about it.

That’s a lot of money even with good precautions, which is why many people turn to their insurance company in the hope that the premium can be reduced somehow. “The private health insurance companies will at most make you an offer for the standard tariff, which means that with a small saving you will be at the service level of the statutory insurance,” explains Markus Moser from the Moser business law firm. “We strongly advise against accepting such offers, because the advantage of private health insurance lies in the benefits and of course these become more and more important as you get older. We show the insured a better way and save them an average of 2,300 euros per year without them having to do without what they are used to.

Customer story: Finally the money remains for the grandchildren

The case of a pensioner who turned to the Moser business law firm for help shows that the savings can sometimes be significantly higher than the average of 2,300 euros. The woman had already paid almost a thousand euros into the insurance and it was clear to her that the contributions would continue to rise regularly. At the same time, she did not want to give up the good benefits that her private health insurance provided under any circumstances. She suffered from illnesses that required long-term treatment, and only the best should continue.

“We looked at the case carefully, entered into negotiations with the insurance company and were ultimately able to save our customer 6,500 euros a year with the same service,” reports Markus Moser from the Moser business law firm. “She couldn’t believe it at first and then she was overjoyed because she finally had the money to support her grandchildren. We still get a Christmas card from her every year.” These are the moments in which Markus Moser shows how important his work is. He would like to continually expand his law firm so that he can support as many privately insured people as possible.

Do you have private insurance and suffer from high premium payments? Then contact Markus Moser from the Moser business law firm now and let us advise you on your options!

Source: WK Moser GmbH (ots)