
topicnews · September 28, 2024

News blog: The Constitutional Court wants to decide on Friday how to proceed – an overview of all developments

News blog: The Constitutional Court wants to decide on Friday how to proceed – an overview of all developments

1:40 p.m. | The SPD also considers CDU candidates to be suitable state parliament presidents

The SPD parliamentary group leader Lutz Liebscher said that a solution had to be found as to how a government made up of the SPD, CDU and BSW could get votes from the left in order to achieve possible majorities. The SPD does not want to operate with changing majorities and supports talks with the left instead of excluding them from the outset, like the CDU.

With regard to the change to the rules of procedure at the beginning of the constituent meeting, Liebscher said that the SPD would have liked to initiate the change earlier. When it comes to electing the state parliament president, the CDU is pulling together with the BSW and the Left: “We think Thadäus König is a very suitable and good state parliament president,” said Liebscher.

1:20 p.m. | The Left also supports CDU candidate König for state parliament president

The chairman of the state association of the Left, Christian Schaft, said in the state press conference that the worst damage would be at the inaugural session of the state parliament if an AfD candidate became state parliament president. “The democratic factions and the Constitutional Court are prepared for tomorrow’s meeting,” he added. Schaft said he thinks the CDU candidate König is respectable – “he has our support.”

In the future, it will be crucial how “the Blackberries” – as a possible government made up of the SPD, BSW and CDU is called – want to organize majorities. “We are not simply a majority-gatherer for the blackberry and we nod through decisions for free.” The Left will not agree to any of the AfD’s draft laws, but it is important in this legislative period not only to talk about voting constellations, but also about content.

Whether Schaft will remain state and parliamentary group chairman at the same time in the future is currently being discussed within the party.

1:00 p.m. | BSW is expected to support CDU candidate for state parliament president

At the state press conference, Katja Wolf, parliamentary group leader of the BSW, spoke about the constitutive meeting on Thursday. They assume that all parliamentary groups except the AfD will meet on Wednesday to ensure the constitution and thus the ability of the state parliament to work.

Given that the AfD was not a conversation partner for her, she said: “For us, it’s not about putting the AfD in a victim situation – we just want to prevent games in the state parliament.”

In contrast to the election of a state parliament president from the AfD, the election of an AfD vice-president is an option for Wolf. Voting for the nominated AfD politician Wiebke Muhsal is not an option for Wolf – but Thaddäus König from the CDU is.

With a view to a possible government of BSW, CDU and SPD, Wolf said that the Ukraine war should also be discussed in exploratory talks – and hopes to have the talks completed within two weeks.

12:30 p.m. | CDU believes changes to the rules of procedure are inevitable

In the upcoming election of the state parliament president on Thursday, the CDU will change the rules of procedure at the beginning of the constituent session in order to be able to propose candidates from outside the AfD. Regarding the background, the CDU’s candidate for prime minister, Mario Voigt, said at the state press conference: “If you are dealing with such tricksters, you must ensure that there is a legally secure procedure.”

When asked why the rules of procedure had not been changed in the last legislative period, Voigt said that he had relied on “sensible cooperation”. For the election of a deputy member of the Thuringian Constitutional Court, the CDU does not plan to propose a candidate at the first meeting. According to the CDU, coalition talks should take place next week.

11:30 a.m. | Bishop defends the Evangelical Church’s stance on the AfD

The regional bishop of the Evangelical Church in Central Germany, Friedrich Kramer, has defended his regional church’s position against the AfD. The clear election recommendation against the AfD was a signal that there were positions in the party that were incompatible according to the gospel, said Kramer.

“The stranger is the main concept of ethics in the Old Testament, and one should not oppress him. Jesus says, “I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” That is the task. A clear demarcation from the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is not currently planned. Kramer does not see a nationalist-racist attitude at the BSW waiting to see how the new alliance develops.

10:55 am | Placing posters around the state parliament is also permitted by choice

The city of Erfurt has approved posters around the Thuringian state parliament until September 28th. As the city of MDR THÜRINGEN announced, hanging up posters for the first session of the newly elected state parliament is permitted under special usage law. The regulatory authority says it is a matter of freedom of expression that is covered by the law. On Tuesday, posters appeared around the Thuringian state parliament. CDU members of the state parliament will then protect Christian social values ​​and stop fascism. The campaign goes back to the nationwide campaign organization “Campact”.

8:30am | What the new state parliament must decide first