
topicnews · September 28, 2024

Mushroom pickers – Hope for mushroom pickers – Season starts slowly – Panorama

Mushroom pickers – Hope for mushroom pickers – Season starts slowly – Panorama

Potsdam (dpa/bb) – The mushroom season is imminent in Brandenburg. “It will start now,” said mushroom expert Wolfgang Bivour from Potsdam. Porcini mushrooms, butter mushrooms and giant umbrella mushrooms have already been found in many regions of the country. However, some types of mushrooms were still a long time coming, and the number of mushrooms was also expected to increase. “The density and biodiversity are not there yet,” Bivour explained.

“I am very optimistic that a lot will happen after the rain in the last few days,” said the mushroom expert. But after the dry late summer, that takes time. The rainfall is already sufficient for the mushrooms in many regions. In addition, you don’t necessarily need that much rain at this time of year. “The days are cooler and evaporation is lower,” explained Bivour. If the soil is occasionally moist because of this, that may be enough for the fungi.

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