
topicnews · September 28, 2024

Scatec share: Positive trend despite slight failure ()

Scatec share: Positive trend despite slight failure ()

The Scatec share recorded a marginal decline of 0.04% to EUR 7,033 on September 28, 2024. Despite this slight daily loss, the Norwegian renewable energy specialist shows a remarkable annual performance with an increase of 22.09%. The latest share price development underlines Scatec’s robust position in the growing market for sustainable energy solutions.

Outlook for quarterly report

The next quarterly report is eagerly awaited on October 31, 2024. Investors are hoping for further positive signals, especially in view of Scatec’s ambitious goal of reaching 15 GW of capacity by the end of 2025. The current market capitalization of EUR 1.1 billion and a P/E ratio of 20.97 indicate healthy growth potential, with the development of global energy markets continuing to have a decisive influence on the stock’s short-term performance.


Scatec share: buy or sell?! New Scatec analysis from September 28th provides the answer:

The latest Scatec figures speak for themselves: there is an urgent need for action for Scatec shareholders. Is it worth getting started or should you sell? In the current free analysis from September 28th you will find out what to do now.

Scatec: Buy or sell? Read more here…