
topicnews · September 28, 2024

New edition of “Day 7”: fact check and tips for autumn

New edition of “Day 7”: fact check and tips for autumn

Do I really need my hat today? Does an autumn walk actually improve your mood? And what does the well-known saying “alcohol warms you from the inside” mean? There are a few persistent claims about the colder season, but not all of them are true. You can read what these are in our cover story.

The following pages will continue with autumnal ideas for all garden lovers. Whether cutting, sowing or planting: there is a lot to do in your own garden, even in autumn.

In addition, our game expert Karsten Grosser has four new games with a connection to nature in store for you this week. This means you are perfectly prepared for the next rainy Sunday afternoon with the family.

And if the afternoon continues into the evening and one or two alcoholic drinks come into play, we will also address the eternal question: beer or wine? We clarify which of the two drinks is ahead in the categories of nutritional value, alcohol content and number of calories.

Further information:

Click here for “Day 7”.

In the fifth edition of “Day 7” you will also read why a large proportion of people now believe in finding a partner online, how they can best help their children to have good table manners and what secrets there are when traveling on the streets of Athens to ventilate gold plated.

The journal “Tag 7” appears purely digitally on Saturday from 6 p.m. as an additional and artificial e-paper offer for everyone who has a regular subscription and can also read the respective newspaper editions from Monday to Saturday.

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