
topicnews · September 28, 2024

CSD in Görlitz and Zgorzelec: 700 people celebrate diversity

CSD in Görlitz and Zgorzelec: 700 people celebrate diversity

Economics Minister Dulig: “There is intimidation again”

Saxony’s Economics Minister Michael Dulig (SPD) was also among the speakers. “We stand here for our normality, for the normality of being able to live and love as we want,” he said. This normality has now become a “political task” again because it has changed somewhat in Germany and especially in Saxony: “There is intimidation again, violence is being used,” said the politician. This is intended to achieve a feeling of fear and threat “of central importance that want to dictate to us how we should live.”

Mayors of Görlitz and Zgorzelec among speakers

Görlitz’s cultural mayor Benedikt Hummel (CDU) and Rafał Gronicz, the mayor of Zgorzelec, also made a short appearance at the final rally. “Thank you very much for the invitation and the opportunity to be here today and see this great, happy, colorful Görlitz,” said Hummel. And Gronicz (Civic Platform) said to the participants: “I am happy that you have the strength, courage and will to show that the world can be colorful and friendly.”

Trans woman Georgine Kellermann: CSD Görlitz connects two cultures

The well-known former WDR journalist and trans woman Georgine Kellermann also took part in the demonstration. “The CSD in Görlitz is one of the most important in the republic because it connects two countries, two cities, two cultures,” said Kellermann MDR SACHSEN. “I hope that the people who see us notice that their mood is definitely better than the others,” she said, referring to the counter-protests.

Demo gives locals courage

André Markov from Görlitz took part in the demo together with his husband. It’s great to see “how many people are taking to the streets here for diversity,” he said. He has been living in Görlitz for three years and due to election results and right-wing Monday demonstrations, he has already thought about moving away. But through the CSD he now feels confirmed that “so many people have different opinions and I no longer have to toy with the idea,” he said.

“Everyone has the right to love whoever they want,” said another participant, Chiara Schellinger from Görlitz. “It’s a really great atmosphere here and everyone just wants to have fun.”

A large police presence secured CSD

Because of the counter-demonstration and feared disruptions, the police were on site with numerous emergency services from the Görlitz police department as well as the riot police and federal police. On social networks, German and Polish right-wing extremists called for people to disrupt the CSD.