
topicnews · September 29, 2024

National Council election 2024: This is how Tulln and the communities voted

National Council election 2024: This is how Tulln and the communities voted

The National Council election will take place on September 29, 2024. 1,295,834 Lower Austrians cast their votes in 2,553 polling stations. Eleven different parties are running – and this is how the Tulln district voted.

TULLN. The duel for the chancellor has begun, and Lower Austria has an important political voice with almost 1.3 million eligible voters.
In addition to the parties already represented in the National Council – ÖVP, SPÖ, FPÖ, GREENS and NEOS – BIER, KPÖ Plus, LMP (Madleine Petrovic list), GAZA, MFG and NO are expanding the political spectrum.

So you choose correctly and validly

Anyone who casts their vote must fill out the ballot paper correctly. And it works like this: First you mark the party with a cross. Below there are two free lines where you can assign a preferential vote for a candidate from both the federal and state lists (enter name and/or ranking number).
Below you will find the names of all candidates in the regional constituency; simply mark the desired name with a cross.

Party proposes preferential vote – If parties and preferential votes from different parties are ticked, only the selected party counts – the preferential vote is forfeited.

Eligible voters, ballot papers, etc.

1,295,834 people in Lower Austria are eligible to vote in the 2024 National Council election. That is around 3,000 more than in the last National Council election five years ago. 1.56 million ballot papers including election envelopes were printed for the Lower Austrians’ vote. Around 3,000 people ensure that everything runs smoothly on election day itself, including election workers, witnesses and employees of municipalities and district authorities – around 150,000 working hours were therefore accrued in Lower Austria on September 29, 2024.

Result Tulln district

For information: The region’s preliminary results will be published at 5 p.m. and updated continuously – depending on the counting status.

National projection on September 29th, 5 p.m

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These are our candidates from the Tulln district

The results of 2019:

National Council election 2019 in Tulln: ÖVP and Greens gain, Gnackwatschn for FPÖ and SPÖ