
topicnews · September 29, 2024

CSD in Görlitz and Zgorzelec: 700 people celebrate diversity

CSD in Görlitz and Zgorzelec: 700 people celebrate diversity

September 28, 2024, 9:26 p.m

“Equal rights for everyone”: That was the motto of the third Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Görlitz and Zgorzelec. On Saturday, several hundred people campaigned for diversity, equal rights and a safe life for all queer people. The special thing about this CSD: It also led across the border to the neighboring Polish town of Zgorzelec. Despite counter-demonstrations, things remained largely peaceful. However, the police are investigating because of anti-constitutional slogans.

Around 700 people celebrated Christopher Street Day in Görlitz and Zgorzelec on Saturday. The CSD participants followed a colorful train from the train station through the city, across the border to Poland and back to Görlitz. The final stop was Elisabethplatz, where there was a rally and a festival in the afternoon. At the CSD, people on both sides of the border are demanding equal rights and a safe life for all queer people.

Economics Minister Dulig: “There is intimidation again”

Saxony’s Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD) was also among the speakers. “We stand here for our normality, for the normality of being able to live and love as we want,” he said. This normality has now become a “political task” again because it has changed somewhat in Germany and especially in Saxony: “There is intimidation again, violence is being used,” said the politician. This is intended to achieve a feeling of fear and threat “of central importance that want to dictate to us how we should live.”

“We stand for our normality here,” said Saxon Economics Minister Martin Dulig.
Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

Mayors of Görlitz and Zgorzelec among speakers

Görlitz’s cultural mayor Benedikt Hummel (CDU) and Rafał Gronicz, the mayor of Zgorzelec, also made a short appearance at the final rally. “Thank you very much for the invitation and the opportunity to be here today and see this great, happy, colorful Görlitz,” said Hummel. And Gronicz (Civic Platform) said to the participants: “I am happy that you have the strength, courage and will to show that the world can be colorful and friendly.”

Georgine Kellermann at the CSD in Zgorzelec: “Our mood is definitely better than the others.”
Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

Trans woman Georgine Kellermann: CSD Görlitz connects two cultures

The well-known former WDR journalist and trans woman Georgine Kellermann also took part in the demonstration. “The CSD in Görlitz is one of the most important in the republic because it connects two countries, two cities, two cultures,” said Kellermann MDR SACHSEN. “I hope that the people who see us notice that their mood is definitely better than the others,” she said, referring to the counter-protests.

According to police, around 700 people attended Christopher Street Day in Görlitz and Zgorzelec.
Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

Demo gives locals courage

André Markov from Görlitz took part in the demo together with his husband. It’s great to see “how many people are taking to the streets here for diversity,” he said. He has been living in Görlitz for three years and due to election results and right-wing Monday demonstrations, he has already thought about moving away. But through the CSD he now feels confirmed that “so many people have different opinions and I no longer have to toy with the idea,” he said.

Görlitzer André Markov (left) and his man at the demo. “I feel confirmed by the CSD.”
Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

“Everyone has the right to love whoever they want,” said another participant, Chiara Schellinger from Görlitz. “It’s a really great atmosphere here and everyone just wants to have fun.”

A large police presence secured CSD

Because of the counter-demonstration and feared disruptions, the police were on site with numerous emergency services from the Görlitz police department as well as the riot police and federal police. On social networks, German and Polish right-wing extremists called for people to disrupt the CSD.

Image gallery

Christopher Street Day in Görlitz and Zgorzelec

At the CSD, the participants demand a safe life for all queer people. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

On both sides of the border, CSD participants demand equal rights for everyone. Image copyright: xcitepress/Finn Becker

The CSD participants were drawn in a colorful train from the train station through the city across the border to Poland. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

People from all walks of life took part in the third CSD in Görlitz/Zgorzelec. Image rights: picture Alliance/dpa | Daniel Wagner

People also gathered on the Polish side for Christopher Street Day. Image copyright: xcitepress/Finn Becker

The CSD participants marched through the city with a large rainbow flag. Photo rights: MDR/Philipp Brendel

Both demo trains meet at the Polish-German border, at the old town bridge over the Neisse. Image copyright: xcitepress/Finn Becker

According to police, the CSD in both cities was peaceful. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

The final stop of the demo train was Elisabethplatz. SPD politician Martin Dulig also spoke there about the subsequent rally. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

The police secured the CSD in Görlitz/Zgorzelec. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

Numerous police forces were deployed in Görlitz to ensure that the CSD took place peacefully. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

Right-wing extremist groups had called for the CSD to be disrupted. Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

According to the police, around 460 people took part in the counter-protest. Image rights: picture Alliance/dpa | Daniel Wagner

In Zgorzelec, Poland, few protesters showed up for a counter-rally. The police ensure that the two groups are separated. On the German side, significantly more people took part in counter-protests, according to the police around 460. A direct clash between the two gatherings was prevented. “The two elevators were sent on the route with a time delay. First the CSD and then the counter-protest,” explained a police spokesman.

The police kept the counter-demonstrators at a distance. Although it remained largely peaceful, the officials are investigating the banned right-wing probation on suspicion of sedition.
Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

However, both groups came very close at the end of the two demonstrations on the corner of Elisabethstrasse and Joliot-Curie-Strasse. Separated from the police forces, both camps faced each other for a long time and shouted slogans towards the other side. On the side of the CSD participants, rainbow flags were waved, on the side of the counter-demonstrators, Reich flags and flags of the Young Nationalists, the youth organization of the party “Die Heimat” (formerly NPD).

In Zgorzelec, significantly fewer people took part in the counter-demonstration. Here too, the police ensured that the two groups were separated.
Photo rights: MDR/Jörg Winterbauer

Investigations, among other things, on suspicion of sedition

According to the Görlitz Police Department, there were no riots or physical altercations during the entire event. When the counter-demo arrived, the officers discovered seven violations of the assembly law, as well as two violations for the use of prohibited symbols on clothing and two counts of incitement to hatred.

According to their own statements, the police had to intervene several times at the counter-demonstration in Görlitz and record complaints, among other things because an anti-constitutional slogan was shouted. Accordingly, the officers initiated criminal proceedings for the use of license plates of unconstitutional and terrorist organizations as well as incitement to hatred. In addition, the officials found several violations of the conditions and the use of an unconstitutional gesture. The identities of those affected were recorded. The police will be present in the city in the evening for the CSD after-show party.

Christopher Street DayChristopher Street Day takes place every year in many cities around the world and commemorates events on June 28, 1969: police stormed the New York gay and lesbian bar “Stonewall Inn” on Christopher Street, triggering protests by gays that lasted for several days , lesbians and transsexuals. The CSD is intended to remind people of the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, intersex and queer people.

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This topic in the program:MDR SAXONY | MDR SACHSENSPIEGEL | September 28, 2024 | 7:00 p.m