
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Ants, moths & silverfish: How to get rid of creepy crawlies permanently

Ants, moths & silverfish: How to get rid of creepy crawlies permanently

Ants, moths, cockroaches or bed bugs – anyone who has such animal roommates is often accused of poor hygiene. Insects and other creepy crawlies such as spiders usually come into the house to protect themselves from the cold. Or looking for food. They are magically attracted to a bowl of fruit on the table or the waste bin with organic waste. If they find good conditions, they like to nest for longer periods of time.

Many people feel uneasy when their little four-, six- or eight-legged friends are in the house. The urge to get rid of them quickly is great and it is not uncommon for it to be quite brutal. They are attacked with fly swatters, adhesive tape, insect spray, traps and bait. The result: individual copies are total, but the next ones will definitely come if they are not denied access.

“It can also happen that you not only get pests, but also harmless specimens or even beneficial insects that are actually desirable,” says Kerstin Effers from the North Rhine-Westphalia Consumer Center. Such as ladybugs, which destroy annoying aphids on plants.

In the following table we show you effective ways to get rid of annoying creepy crawlies: