
topicnews · September 29, 2024

That’s why he does NOT swing the wooden spoon at home

That’s why he does NOT swing the wooden spoon at home

Confession from TV chef Tim Raue and his wife

“We don’t cook at home!”

Cook? No thanks! At home, Katharina and Tim Raue take it easy.

Press action

from Aline Lehmann and Denise Gatzweiler

There’s no such thing as a TV chef who doesn’t use a wooden spoon in his own kitchen? Doooo!

Namely with Tim Raue (50). When we meet the restaurant rescuer and his wife Katharina for an interview, they surprisingly explain to us: At home, the kitchen stays cold – and for THIS reason.

Katharina and Tim Raue love going out to eat – and their marriage enjoys it too!

“We don’t cook at home” – that’s what the Raue couple revealed on the red carpet of the German Television Awards. And the two also reveal to RTL why that is the case. “We make sure that we leave out all the potential for conflict,” says TV chef and restaurant owner Tim Raue with a laugh: “And that’s why… the kitchen is the place where coffee is made and for the dog, that’s it. ”

Reading tip: TV chef Tim Raue confesses: I was a criminal!

Katharina Raue also knows why the situation in the kitchen at home would otherwise boil over. “I make a mess,” she says. And her husband doesn’t like it at all: “He needs it to be very solid.” He likes it “very neat and structured,” as the chef himself adds.

Streaming tip: Watch “Raue – The Restaurant Savior” on RTL+!

In the video: From gangster to TV chef – how Tim Raue made his jump