
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Can America’s trends make Germany sterile?

Can America’s trends make Germany sterile?

Fertility Advances in the US: Could Germany Adopt This Trend?

Some individuals choose to postpone parenthood later in life, and if medical procedures are required, the costs can be significant. In the United States, more and more companies are covering the costs of their employees’ fertility treatments. This development, often referred to as “fertility benefits,” is also beginning to emerge in Germany, albeit on a smaller scale. Experts predict that this pressure on companies will continue to increase.

A decade ago, the news that tech companies like Meta and Apple in the US were funding their employees’ eggs caused controversy. There is concern that women may prioritize their careers at the expense of having children. Julia Reichert, founder of Onuava, a start-up in Heidelberg, dismisses these fears. Onuava provides a platform for companies to offer various family planning options to their employees. At first, fertility services were a way for Silicon Valley companies to combat skills shortages and become more attractive to job seekers. Reichert explains that companies implemented these benefits not out of kindness or generosity, but because it benefited them financially. Employees can request reimbursement from their company for procedures such as in vitro fertilization, adoption or egg extraction. Hannah Zagel, who studies this topic at the Berlin Center for Social Research, cites the focus on employee retention, increased productivity and potentially higher employee satisfaction.

According to a 2022 evaluation by the US Foundation for Employee Benefits, about 40% of American companies offer such benefits. The nonprofit organization is made up of over 31,000 members from the private and public sectors. 14% of these companies contribute to the costs of “social freezing”, including egg preservation as a precautionary measure. In 2016, this percentage was 2%.

Health insurance only covers some costs

The tendency to support fertility treatments is likely to spread to Germany, believes Reichert. “Companies are forced to find innovative solutions to address the shortage of skilled workers.” When asked, some American companies such as Google, Meta, Apple, Microsoft and Salesforce either stated that they did not offer these services in Germany or were unable to provide any information about them . The consulting firm McKinsey offers support for fertility treatments, adoption and surrogacy, and egg preservation in Germany.

According to the German IVF Register, over 390,000 children have been born through in vitro fertilization since 1997. The costs for various treatments can be up to 10,000 euros. German health insurance companies do not cover all of these costs. According to the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, health insurance companies cover the costs for insured people under certain conditions. Older or same-sex couples and singles often bear the costs themselves. Voluntary egg collection and storage are also not covered.

Last year, the pharmaceutical company Merck announced that it would support its employees with fertility treatment. Since its launch in Germany in 2024, Merck has received around 200 inquiries. The demand for such support also came from employees. However, one of the partners must be employed by Merck during the treatment process.

Merck guarantees employee confidentiality. “The supervisor is not informed about this request or demand,” explains Katharina Schiederig, head of the Department for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Strategies at Merck. Merck only acts as a “clearing house” with a maximum budget in the four-digit range. The topic is not heavily promoted.

“Our goal is not to force this, but to offer a wide range of support for fertility treatment,” emphasizes Schiederig. The goal is to give women the freedom of choice. The sociologist Zagel emphasizes that it is important whether fertility benefits are linked to conditions. Are you actually giving employees more choice or are you expecting employees to take advantage of these benefits?

Zagel emphasizes that there are alternative ways for companies to support families. They could offer child care or provide more generous parental leave benefits. You could also introduce flexible working hours and make working from home easier. “It is important to always emphasize the alternatives. There should be no pressure to take advantage of these services.”

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