
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Floorball: ASKÖ FSG Linz/Rum lost 3:7 against FBC Munich in the season opener

Floorball: ASKÖ FSG Linz/Rum lost 3:7 against FBC Munich in the season opener

Lack of personnel and early deficit: ASKÖ FSG Linz/Rum fights its way back into the game despite occasional draws

ASKÖ FSG Linz/Rum started the new Bundesliga season last weekend under difficult conditions. Despite major personal problems and an early deficit, the team under neo-coach Mario Huemer showed a fighting performance, but ultimately had to admit defeat to FBC Munich 3:7 (0:3, 2:3, 1:1).

Even before the game it was clear that the starting situation for FSG was anything but ideal. Due to absences due to illness, the team was only able to compete in a decimated form. Particularly bitter: Due to the lack of a goalkeeper, a field player had to go into the goal, which gave the Munich team an early advantage.

Earlier setback after just 32 seconds
The start of the party was extremely unfortunate for the FSG. The team conceded their first goal after just 32 seconds when the hosts mercilessly took advantage of a lack of attention in defense. The early deficit and the lack of coordination make it difficult for the Linz team to find their way into the game in the early stages. They were 3-0 down until the first third break.

Moral response in the second third
Despite the adverse circumstances, ASKÖ FSG Linz/Rum didn’t give up and found their way into the game better in the second third. The team showed increasing fighting spirit. With two goals of their own, the guests managed to reduce the deficit to 2:5. What was particularly remarkable was the team’s willingness to repeatedly launch dangerous attacks despite the personnel shortage and the improvised goalkeeper position.

“We knew it would be difficult today, but the team showed heart and didn’t give up despite the deficit.” “There are a lot of positive approaches that we can build on,” commented Huemer, who led his first game on the sidelines , after the game.

Open final third
In the final third, the Linzers were able to make the game more balanced. The hosts scored another goal, but FSG continued to show their commitment and were rewarded with a third goal. In the end, the scoreboard read 1:1 in the final period, but that couldn’t change the overall result of 3:7.

Neo coach Mario Huemer’s team will use the coming week to work on the weaknesses that were revealed in the first game of the season. “We have to improve, especially in defense and positional play.” But I’m proud of the team’s morale. “With a complete squad we can still achieve a lot,” explained Huemer after the party.

Final score: FBC Munich – FSG Linz/Rum: 7:3 (3:0, 3:2, 1:1)
Tore Linz/Rum: Marwa Adbdel Hamid, Catherine Hölzl, Hannah Riedbert