
topicnews · September 29, 2024

Election reactions from cultural workers: “Austria is threatened with Orbanization”

Election reactions from cultural workers: “Austria is threatened with Orbanization”

Lydia Mischkulnig, writer:

Now the match begins against dwarfism, against partisanship and against fascist narrowness. The negotiations on the government coalition with a kick will show where the journey is headed. I am curious to see whether the ÖVP, with Nehammer Kickl as partner and chancellor, will accept blue/turquoise for another scandalous period. Or will there be a three-party coalition? Will we live in a country where the limits of the prohibition law are scratched by Nazi songs and targeted terminology? Austria is threatened with Orbanization, restrictions on press freedom are to be expected, educational elitism, two-tier medicine. A majority of voters failed to strengthen democracy through a strong social system and competent climate policy. Hopefully the SPÖ will not stop the Babler experiment, but will finally renew itself and find a common language that can worthy of a contemporary class struggle.

The match has also started. Will Austria be taken seriously as a reliable partner of the EU community in the future, or are we threatened with provincialization and descent into a conservative conceit where poverty and social injustice will grow and divide society?

Paul Pizzera

© Imago/Manfred Siebinger

Paul Pizzera, musician, cabaret artist, actor:

“Democracy is the humble acceptance of how limited freedom can be.”

Aron Stiehl James Kee

Aron Stiehl James Kee

© Markus Traussnig

Aron Stiehl, director of the Klagenfurt City Theater:

What can I say about this choice? Democracy means responsibility. Voters and those elected should take note of this. This includes FACTUAL discussions. Respect. Humanity. Tolerance. But I increasingly see that politics is made with fear and sensitivities. That other people are denied humanity. That enemy images are created. The division in society is being promoted.

And unfortunately, as you can see, there are people who have success with this tactic. That’s frightening. Many politicians put their egos ahead of the common good. Behavior like this contributes to the disenchantment with the state, which I am increasingly feeling, and not just in Austria. Because politics is made without common sense, without a vision for THE PEOPLE and for TOGETHER. People and their needs are no longer the focus. I see this as a danger to our democracy.

There is too much emotion in politics. And too little common sense. Taking some heat and some emotion out of the discussions would do us all good. We must reflect on our culture and how important it is for our country and, above all, for our democracy. She reminds us to be human.

Writer Anna Baar

Writer Anna Baar

© Johannes Puch

Anna Baar, writer:

“This election result was predictable. Fear and anger are always pulling. But the fact that the majority of people are still sane is a good sign.”

Actor August Schmölzer

Actor August Schmölzer


August Schmölzer, actor and writer

“I would never have dreamed that, given our historical responsibility, a nationalist right-wing party would become the strongest party in Austria.” But that is democracy that is being fought by the nationalist, right-wing party! Mistake: The ÖVP did not free itself from Kurz. The SPÖ is a kindergarten. Replace all ÖVP and SPÖ spin doctors immediately. Great personalities are missing everywhere. The diagnosis: general small-mindedness, fears and cowardice.

My criticism: Why didn’t the Roman Catholic Church vigorously defend itself against the nationalist right-wing pandering? My advice: task the FPÖ with forming a government immediately, take responsibility, then we’ll see. ÖVP, SPÖ examine themselves, go into opposition and finally act sensibly and more courageously.

The danger: unemployment plus two wars, right-wing nationalist parties in the governments, the social gap despite prosperity: We are heading towards a European or even global catastrophe, the effects of which cannot be foreseen. Now all that’s left is for Trump to win the election, then God help us, if he really exists.”

Director Thomas Roth

Director Thomas Roth

© Stefan Pajman

Thomas Roth, director and screenwriter

A very dark day for Austria. Almost a third of voters apparently have learned nothing from our history. We can only hope that the ÖVP and SPÖ are now aware of their responsibility and that there will be no participation in government by a right-wing extremist party.