
topicnews · September 30, 2024

La Casa de los Famosos México 2, ¿quién se llevará el premio?

La Casa de los Famosos México 2, ¿quién se llevará el premio?

Yordi Rosado/YouTube; Jaime Nogales/Medios y Media/Getty Images

La Casa de los Famosos Mexico 2 (TelevisaUnivision) is in Los Angeles through the end of next September 29th and the public’s favorites are there Sunday night.

Tras la salida de Briggitte Bozzo y su bien mercedido quinto lugar, Gala Montes, Mario Bezares, Arath de la Torre j Karime Pindter, Continuation of competence.

As our proyecciones began the argument between Bezares and Torre.

The current version of the program includes all common Polémicas programs, without embargo, el Team MarConformado por todos los finalistas, logró salir adelante and demonstrar que the unity and the content free sí vend and no es necesario the escándalo and las confrontations.

From now on, the whole year has survived the attacks, losing control of the region Adrian MarceloQuien dejó the House during September 4th, in the midst of controversies over the general violence unleashed against one of the participants, Gala Montes, and through frentamamentos with Arath de la Torre.

“Algo also very important that decirles, hasce at a timeo his compañero Adrián Marcelo to go the choice to abandon La Casa, el juego terminó para él”, dijo “La Jefa” to announce the appearance of the comedian.

In the past and subsequent days after Marcelos Salida, various sponsors withdrew from their participation La Casa de los Famosos 2. Basically, the value of the program and the participants do not match the brands.

Según el periodista Jorge Carbajal The amount of convicts who were retired rose to 300 million pesos.

Mayer explodes in contrast to La Casa de los Famosos México 2

An ex-integrator of the program, Sergio MayerCheck exclusively for you Us weekly In Spanish, the current edition of the competition has long been such that Marcelo points out the expected speech.

“Pues eso, that was a disaster, that is deplorable, that did everything that happened, but the gentleman said that it is a show, that is a realityand you don’t need your personal friends, no person you know, and tampoco los afuera,” check the actor and the singing.

“It’s very deplorable because the program is so spectacular and I’m so disappointed, and well, it’s very deplorable that I calculate the big things when I don’t think about what I mean and that’s so sad, therefore.” de reue la gente confunde the reality with la ficción. It was already the case that it was one reality And whatever it is, it is the reality, but that means that they are two concepts and it is that they affect the remorse that makes no difference between the reality and them realitysaid the actor at the age of 58.