
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Melania Trump opens up about her first date with Donald

Melania Trump opens up about her first date with Donald

Former First Lady Melania Trump opens up about the details of her relationship with Donald Trump in a rare interview.

The most important thing in brief

  • Melania Trump gave her first interview after a two-year break.
  • The former first lady reveals intimate details about her relationship with Donald Trump.
  • Trump is said to have wanted more children, Melania was happy with one.


In an interview with Fox News, Melania Trump (54) gave a deep insight into her private life for the first time.

The former First Lady spoke about her relationship with ex-President Donald Trump (78). She even shared an anecdote from their first date.

This was her first interview in two years and accompanies the release of her memoir on October 8th.

Melania Trump: An unusual first date

A particular focus was on the beginnings of her relationship with Donald Trump. Melania Trump highlighted the special nature of her first date with the attractive man.

Instead of a regular movie date, Donald showed her a piece of land he wanted to buy. For Melania, this unusual scenario was not a problem, but rather “very nice,” as she emphasized in the interview.

Despite the unusual circumstances of their first date, they were alone in the car for hours. Totally out of the way and away from any noise or other people. Melania described this moment as “very beautiful”.

She revealed that she immediately felt a connection with Donald and was impressed by his vision. This strong bond, says Melania, is “something very special.”

An unexpected engagement and no political ambitions

In the interview, Melania talked about her 2004 engagement, which she remembers as an unexpected surprise. She emphasizes that Donald had not expressed any political ambitions at the time.

It was only some time later that her husband mentioned that he was interested in politics. When asked about the Republican’s renewed candidacy, Melania confirmed her full support.

But she was hardly seen during the election campaign. They did not give a speech during the Republican National Convention. She was also not present at the TV debate between her husband and Democrat Kamala Harris (59).

What do you think of Donald Trump as a politician?

Melania also provided insight into the Trumps’ family life. She revealed that Donald Trump wanted more children while she was completely happy with her son Barron, 18.

Regarding her feelings for Donald Trump, Melania expressed her deep admiration and support for her husband. She emphasized his positivity and energy, as well as his humor and personality, which in her opinion make him particularly special.



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Kamala HarrisDonald TrumprepublicanenergycinemaMelania Trump