
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Steinheim: Tennis board tournament in Steinheim – Steinheim

Steinheim: Tennis board tournament in Steinheim – Steinheim

Challenge Cup Photo: TCS

Last Saturday, the friendly tennis board members from Freiberg, Benningen, Murr and Steinheim met for their traditional board tournament.

This year the organizer was TC Steinheim. After the welcome from the first board, Frank Lausterer, Marco Dinkelacker, sports director of the TCS, started the first round of the mixed doubles game. Despite small breaks in the rain, 5 rounds of the game were completed until around 4:30 p.m. The breaks were used to fortify ourselves with coffee, cake and buttered pretzels.

Renate and Hans Wälde then treated all participants to a delicious meal so that everyone could end the evening in a cozy atmosphere with good and friendly conversations.

At the award ceremony, Frank Lausterer awarded Nesrin Biedermann from TC Steinheim (best lady) and Frank Mohrbacher from TC Benningen (best man) with a present. TC Freiberg secured victory in the tournament as the best team and was able to return home with the challenge cup.

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