
topicnews · September 30, 2024

Lübeck start-up sets up a vegan snack machine at the Leibniz-Gymnasium

Lübeck start-up sets up a vegan snack machine at the Leibniz-Gymnasium

Bad Schwartau. Fight your quick hunger with a small bar from a vending machine and recharge your batteries for class. This has been common practice in many schools for decades. Also at the Leibniz-Gymnasium in Bad Schwartau. The selection of small snacks was limited – greasy chips and mostly chocolate bars with endless amounts of sugar. The old machines with more traditional products were phased out at the start of the new school year. As a replacement, there is now an ecological vegan snack machine in the hallway of the break hall.

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This makes the Leibniz-Gymnasium a pioneer and an art pilot project for a Lübeck start-up – unshakeable food GmbH. The fact that the new offer is being tested at Leibniz is not purely a coincidence. “My son Ilja graduated from high school here many years ago and made contact,” reports Olga Döring, who develops healthy and sustainable products with her family and the company and would later also like to offer them in vending machines.

Chips made from algae and leaves

The machine at Leibniz is currently still stocked with vegan products from other companies. The offer has been well received by students and teachers. “The topic of sustainability already plays a big role for us,” reports math and physics teacher Katharina Borgwedel, who heads Klima AG. Around 40 different snacks are currently offered, from algae and leaf chips to nuts and protein bars. “The nut bar is my favorite,” reports Tamina (13). The absolute hit among the 16 different drinks is the blood orange soda.