
topicnews · September 30, 2024

React correctly in critical situations on autumn roads

React correctly in critical situations on autumn roads

The Formula 1 Savety-Car pilot Bernd Mayländer gives valuable tips on aquaplaning, crosswinds and wild animals. – Basics: attention, safety distance, adjusted speed – Correct steering intervention, no false shyness when braking – Correct sitting position and steering wheel posture are important

Aquaplaning, crosswinds, wild animals and more: Drivers often find themselves in stressful situations at the wheel, especially on autumn roads. “If you are well prepared and react correctly, you will be safer on the road,” says DEKRA brand ambassador and Formula 1 safety car driver Bernd Mayländer. His most important basic tip: always be attentive and expect everything.

First of all, this means: no major distractions from on-board infotainment, passengers or even your cell phone. “Driving is and remains a complex task and we have to concentrate on it as best we can. Too often we allow ourselves to be lulled by routine and develop a false sense of security,” the race track professional knows. “Then, for example, we don’t keep enough distance from the vehicle in front – but it is precisely this safe distance that can make the crucial difference in a critical situation.” The topic of adjusted speed is also a very important point for Mayländer.

Aquaplaning: what to do if the car floats?

Such anticipatory driving helps, for example, to keep the dangers of so-called aquaplaning as low as possible. If it rains heavily or for a long time, depending on the condition of the road, water can collect on the road. Ruts are particularly susceptible to this.

“The sooner I see that the road in front of me is more than just wet, the better I can react to it,” explains Bernd Mayländer. Most importantly: slow down. “During aquaplaning, a wedge of water is pushed between the road and the tires and the vehicle floats. Braking and steering are then difficult because the wheels do not have a good connection to the asphalt. But if I have already reduced the speed beforehand, that can help so that a critical situation does not arise in the first place.

The condition of the tires and, above all, the tread depth also play a role when it comes to aquaplaning. “The experience from racing is that tires without tread are practically unable to drain water. It’s difficult to even drive straight on a wet track,” said Mayländer. It’s similar with a normal car on the road: the better the tire profile, the more likely the wheels are to remain steerable in wet conditions and can also transmit braking forces better. “We have to realize that the tires are our only connection to the road and therefore pay attention to the tread, the air pressure and the overall condition of the tires,” says the expert.

Don’t steer too much in critical situations

Correct steering can be crucial not only in the event of aquaplaning, but also in other critical situations – for example, when you have to avoid a suddenly appearing obstacle such as a wild animal on the road. “It’s important that I steer exactly where I want to go,” says Mayländer. This may sound like a truism at first, but it is an essential safety tip: “If I steer too hard in a critical driving situation, I often make the situation worse. The steering intervention must be precisely measured. The correct line of sight is crucial, because wherever I look, that’s where I direct my eyes.”

Important when evading from a professional’s point of view: Always brake and steer. “When faced with an obstacle, the goal must always be to avoid a collision. But if that is not possible, speed plays a decisive role in the consequences. That’s why for me every evasive maneuver is definitely a braking maneuver.”

Unlike steering, the following applies to braking in modern vehicles: a lot helps a lot. “Many people don’t dare to brake fully. This is a mistake,” says Mayländer. “With ABS in today’s vehicles, I can’t brake ‘too hard’,” he explains and recommends so-called impact braking for critical situations. “Translated, that means: full on. For some people, this requires a lot of effort at first. It’s all the more important that I practiced it – for example in a driving safety training course.”

Correct sitting position and steering wheel posture

In order for the steering and braking intervention, for example when swerving, to be successful, the correct seating position and steering wheel position are also important. The experienced safety car driver recommends sitting relatively upright and holding the steering wheel with both hands, for example “at 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.” on the bars, with your arms slightly bent. The legs should also be clearly bent in the normal driving position. “So I can apply the maximum amount of force for a quick reaction.”

Be careful of sudden crosswinds

Especially in autumn, the issue of wind always plays a role on the streets. Sudden crosswinds are particularly dangerous. “The tricky thing about the wind is that – unlike wet conditions, for example – I can’t see it, but only feel it when it affects my driving stability,” says Mayländer. The larger the vehicle and the higher the speed, the greater the influence of the wind can become. “I have recently owned a motorhome and had the dubious pleasure of picking it up on a very windy day. That was a very special experience.”

Crosswinds often occur on bridges, but the car can also suddenly experience sideways thrust after overtaking a truck, exiting a tunnel or the forest. Mayländer’s recommendation therefore: “Don’t let yourself be taken by surprise, be aware of the crosswind issue and steer carefully against it as soon as you feel it.” Some large highway bridges are also equipped with wind vanes or windsocks. “If the current is in the wind, I should definitely react and reduce speed.”

Despite safety systems: Do not push the limits of driving physics

Another appeal is particularly important to Bernd Mayländer: He warns drivers against blind trust in the safety systems installed in the vehicle. “Of course, ESP, for example, reliably prevents the vehicle from skidding during ‘normal’ driving. But the laws of physics cannot override even the best system. That means: If I drive at extremes, I’ll fly off the road even with ESP .”

Such systems cannot be designed for speeds that are far too high, explains the safety car driver.

“Modern driver assistance systems such as ESP, emergency braking assistant or lane departure warning often help me to avoid or overcome critical situations. But you don’t take responsibility away from me. As a driver, I also have to do my part to ensure a safe journey,” says Mayländer and summarizes: “If I drive attentively, foresight and carefully, then I generally drive safely.”

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