
topicnews · October 2, 2024

Inzersdorf plant set up a toddler group in the town center

Inzersdorf plant set up a toddler group in the town center

INZERSDORF. Tips spoke with Mayor Bernhard Winkler-Ebner (ÖVP) about current issues in Inzersdorf, including the construction of the gymnasium, flood protection, childcare and traffic safety.

Tips: Currently the largest project in Inzersdorf is the demolition and construction of the multi-purpose gymnasium. How much is the community investing and why is this building important?

Bernhard Winkler-Ebner: The renovation was urgently needed because the building structure from the 1970s was already relatively poor. The gymnasium is also available for use by clubs and other institutions. The construction costs amount to around 2.5 million euros.

Tips: The heavy rain in mid-September showed how important flood protection is. Was the Inzersdorf plant in this regard?

Winkler Ebner: With the renaturation of the Krems, we have already implemented an important project that has proven very successful. Some streams have been rehabilitated with torrent and avalanche barriers. The project at Groissenbach/Fischbach has been completed. All that’s missing is the asphalting, which should be completed by the end of the year as part of the construction of the R10 cycle path. Some measures are still planned around the Wanzbach.

Tips: With 73 students in four classes, the Inzersdorf elementary school has more than ever before. Is childcare in the community where you are moving to meet your needs?

Winkler Ebner: The kindergarten and after-school groups are very well utilized. We are planning to set up a toddler group and are purchasing the former Raiffeisenbank building. Due to the now free childcare for children under three in the morning, demand has increased dramatically.

Tips: What is the schedule in this regard?

Winkler Ebner: The renovation should be completed in summer 2025 at the latest.

Tips: The through town was renovated and asphalted. What else is planned regarding road construction?

Winkler Ebner: We have been gradually implementing a program for several years, for example building new sidewalks in the local area. For age-appropriate living, we are building an additional crossing aid over the B120. This has already been taken into account in the construction work on the B120 and is yet to be implemented.

Tips: How are the fire departments equipped?

Winkler Ebner: The Inzersdorf fire department has received an all-wheel fire fighting vehicle (RLF-A) 2000 Tunnel. The purchase of a small fire engine is planned for Lauterbach in 2026. It is not a given that we have so many firefighters. We are happy about that and that is why it is important that we also support them with equipment. Because safety comes first.