
topicnews · October 2, 2024

Economic situation – mechanical engineering with an increase in orders – no trend reversal – economy

Economic situation – mechanical engineering with an increase in orders – no trend reversal – economy

Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – The Baden-Württemberg mechanical and plant engineering industry registered more orders in August than in the same month last year thanks to increased demand from abroad. Order intake recorded a real double-digit increase of 16 percent, as the regional association of the VDMA in Stuttgart announced. While domestic orders fell again by 16 percent, orders from abroad increased by 30 percent.

The managing director of the VDMA Baden-Württemberg, Dietrich Birk, spoke of an “unsatisfactory” order situation. The double-digit increase in orders is a positive snapshot, but is based on a weak order volume in the same month of the previous year. “The lack of orders from Europe and domestically shows a pronounced reluctance to invest in this country.”

According to the association, in the three-month period from June to August 2024, which is less prone to fluctuations, orders are 3 percent above the previous year’s level in real terms. 14 percent fewer orders came from domestically, but there was an increase of 11 percent from abroad.

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important industrial sectors in the country and – measured in terms of sales – follows vehicle construction directly, according to the State Statistical Office. Almost a quarter of the more than 1.3 million industrial workers in the Southwest work in the industry.

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