
topicnews · October 2, 2024

Ranking: These are the fastest-growing German startups

Ranking: These are the fastest-growing German startups

Your startups are said to be growing fastest (from left to right): Maximilian Wühr (Finn), Jan Oberhauser (N8n), Julian Weselek (Tourlane), Artjem Weissbeck and Andreas Tussing (Charles).
Finn, N8n, Tourlane, Charles; Collage: startup scene

Profitability before growth. Most founders now focus on this when it comes to the sustainable success of their company. The recently published Startup Monitor from the German Startups Association underlined this once again: Of the founders surveyed this year, around 74 percent stated that profits were their top priority. At the same time, the proportion of founders who see rapid growth as an important or very important strategic goal drops slightly to 54 percent. The key figure is still significant – even if the economic situation and the difficult financing environment are increasingly forcing startups to rethink.