
topicnews · October 3, 2024

In the first 5 minutes of Star Wars there is a lie that has persisted for almost 50 years

In the first 5 minutes of Star Wars there is a lie that has persisted for almost 50 years

The first film in the Star Wars saga is now legendary. Nevertheless, in retrospect, a lie has crept in that denies the rebels some significant victories.

The intro of star Wars is cult. After the line that appears, “Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away,” comes the fanfare and the prologue text, which briefly explains the starting point of each film.

That was already the case with the first part, episode 4 in 1977 and has not changed to this day. But in the first film, of all things, a lie crept into the text, which is spread through series and the canon of star Wars was only exposed years later.

We have all 15 films from the saga ranked on MeinMMO – feel free to stop by there and let us know your opinion.

Star Wars Episode IV – Trailer for the download version

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The rebels are already celebrating victories before Rogue One

What lie is it about? The intro to “A New Hope” talks about the “first victory against the evil galactic empire.” This refers to the Battle of Scarif, during which the rebels managed to steal the Death Star plans.

This event is featured in the film Villain One tells and leads to the turning point in the conflict between rebellion and empire. However, the statement that this was the rebels’ first victory is not true.

Like in the series Rebels As can be seen, there have already been successful battles and victories against the Empire before. Scarif wasn’t the first either.

One could still argue that the rebels before the Battle of Scarif consisted of various, small groups and resistance movements rather than forming a unity. However, there were already issues before the events Villain One recognizable structures and key figures within the alliance.

How can this be explained? star Wars was created in 1977, and at that time it was not yet clear how big the universe would become. The intro text probably simply didn’t take into account any previous stories.

In retrospect, it made sense to work in series like Rebels to tell the complex story of the Alliance in all its details. The series creators probably didn’t want to hide the rebels’ first triumphs, even if they contradict the prologue of the first film. It is a “mistake” that is easily forgiven. Even outside of the films, there are interesting characters that are worth a look: One of the best Star Wars games introduced a powerful character who could even defeat Darth Vader.