
topicnews · October 7, 2024

1,400 people at pro-Palestine demo in Frankfurt |

1,400 people at pro-Palestine demo in Frankfurt |

1,400 people demonstrated in Frankfurt for a free Palestine. The city of Frankfurt tried to ban the rally on the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel. Pro-Israel demos took place in Wiesbaden and Darmstadt, among other places.

The participants in the pro-Palestinian rally marched through downtown Frankfurt.

The participants in the pro-Palestinian rally marched through downtown Frankfurt.
Image © picture-alliance/dpa

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01:23 mins||hessenschau

Pro-Palestine demonstration in Frankfurt

10/7/2024 p.m

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According to the police, around 1,400 people took part on Monday on the anniversary of the Hamas attack in Frankfurt under the title “For a free Palestine – Victory belongs to justice”. The organizers spoke of more than 2,000 participants. The participants’ flags read “Stop occupation terror” and “Ceasefire now.” There was a spontaneous counter-demo with around 100 participants.

The organizers said that there was a lot of pain and anger associated with the anniversary. Participants should dress in black and bring roses, red candles and empty strollers “to send a powerful message for the children who have died.”

According to police, the demonstration remained peaceful overall. Criminal proceedings were initiated against two participants because they wore the symbols of banned Palestinian organizations. One speaker accused Israel of genocide. “Scholz, open your eyes,” Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) was ordered in a chant.

The city of Frankfurt wanted to ban the demonstration

The city of Frankfurt initially banned the rally. Mayor Mike Josef (SPD) justified their move by saying that it was feared that the demonstration would lead to “crimes such as incitement to hatred, calls for criminal offenses as well as anti-Israel and anti-Semitic statements.”

“Registering this rally on October 7th, the anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack, is an extreme provocation that we deeply condemn,” said the mayor. On this day a year ago, “the largest mass murder of Jews since the Shoah” occurred. The attack a year ago left more than 1,100 people dead and more than 250 taken hostage. Israel responds with harsh counterattacks.

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However, the Hessian Administrative Court (VGH) in Kassel rejected the ban imposed by the city of Frankfurt a few hours before the planned start.

With its decision, the VGH confirmed a decision by the Frankfurt Administrative Court (VG), which declared the official ban to be unlawful on Friday. A registered meeting should not be banned solely because of the date. According to current law, this is only possible for anniversaries that are related to the National Socialist tyranny. The decision cannot be appealed (AZ: 5 L 3492/24.F).

The judges complained that the city of Frankfurt had also not adequately demonstrated that the demonstration posed an immediate threat to public safety. Rather, the applicant has already “conducted largely peaceful and trouble-free assemblies” several times.

Video post


03:39 mins||hessenschau

“Muslim-Jewish Supper” – how intercultural dialogue is possible

10/7/2024 p.m

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Frankfurt’s Mayor Josef regrets the verdict

“I regret the verdict. “I will continue to fight anti-Semitism in all its forms,” said Mayor Josef. “The police chief assured me that they will be on site with sufficient forces and will intervene immediately if anti-Semitic hate slogans or other criminal acts occur,” Josef continued.

Hesse’s Interior Minister Roman Poseck (CDU) praised the city of Frankfurt, which had “demonstrated its stance” with the proposed ban. “I regret that the courts have overturned this ban on demonstrations. Now it’s time to accept and implement these decisions,” explained Poseck.

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03:24 mins||hessenschau

Anniversary of the Hamas terrorist attack – commemoration in Hesse

10/7/2024 p.m

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Pro-Israel demos in Wiesbaden and Darmstadt

On the anniversary of Hamas’ attack on Israeli settlements, there were also numerous pro-Israel rallies in Hesse. Around 200 people came to Wiesbaden’s Schloßplatz. In her speech, State Parliament President Astrid Wallmann (CDU) described October 7, 2023 as a deep black day for Jews in Israel and around the world.

At Frankfurt’s Opera Square, people held a vigil to remember the victims of the terrorist attack by Hamas. Mayor Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg (Greens) took part. “It was important to me to stand alongside Jews in Frankfurt, the most Jewish city in Germany,” she said. In the Jewish Museum there were workshops for school classes as well as lectures and tours for adults.

The Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas were remembered in Darmstadt with pictures on empty chairs at a long table

The Israeli hostages still held captive by Hamas were remembered in Darmstadt with pictures on empty chairs at a long table
Image © hr

Around 50 participants gathered at Luisenplatz in Darmstadt for a funeral prayer organized by the Christian-Jewish Association. According to the police, around 100 people followed the city’s call with the title “Never again is now” on Friedensplatz. In Kassel, around 150 people took part in a pro-Israel demonstration. There was a silent march in Marburg on Sunday evening.

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