
topicnews · October 8, 2024

Penis washing is essential: For good sex you should follow the ZDF rule

Penis washing is essential: For good sex you should follow the ZDF rule

Avoid mood killers: Penis washing is essential: For good sex you should follow the ZDF rule

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Tuesday, October 8th, 2024, 4:12 p.m

In a perfect world everything smells of roses and vanilla – in reality it smells like a long day. Does the penis need to be washed before sex or will it kill the mood? Tantra expert Regina Heckert explains.

There it was: the moment that both of them had been looking forward to for so long. Weeks of flirting, the tension in the air was quickly palpable, the chemistry was right – everything pointed to the perfect first evening of love together. And then?

“We had already met a few times and yes, I was totally in love,” says Marga. “Everything was so perfect. Until that moment when he was lying naked in front of me. His penis gave off such a strong and unpleasant smell. The romantic mood immediately fizzled out. Taking a deep breath was definitely not the order of the day. I chose honesty, even though it made me super uncomfortable: awkward silence. The evening was over and we never met again.”

Okay, hand on heart: How romantic is it really when, in the middle of lovemaking, your partner says: “Wait a minute, I’m going to jump in the shower!”? Not exactly the kind of sexual romance you’d imagine, right? Also, is it better to keep your mouth shut and ignore the problem?

About Regina Heckert

Regina Heckert is the head of BeFree Tantra, the largest tantra school in Germany, a sexual advisor, author and expert on women’s desire. For more than 35 years, she has been helping to spread real female desire nationwide through seminars, lectures and online courses. They have already helped tens of thousands of women and men achieve sexual happiness. More at

Where is the ZDF rule? Poor hygiene at a tantra workshop

Deep breathing, pure relaxation, energetic exchange – these are usually the keywords that are associated with a tantra seminar. But at a recent workshop, some women felt anything but relaxed and complained. The reason? A few men in the group had apparently overlooked an important rule of Tantra etiquette: the ZDF rule.

Z clean your eyes, D wash (and thoroughly, even under the foreskin!) and F Trim or file fingernails. These basic hygiene measures are discussed at every seminar – and yet they don’t seem to reach all participants. The result? Poor penis hygiene produced a urine smell that was repulsive to women.

“We didn’t address it directly, but we probably should have,” says one of the women. Instead, the tantric massage was dutifully completed, but that was it – after that everyone immediately withdrew from the man in question. Mood? Tilted. The energy?

Why is it so difficult to address hygiene directly? Even though Tantra is based on openness and communication, the topic of personal hygiene still seems to be taboo for some. The ZDF rule is not an excessive requirement, but a necessary prerequisite so that everyone feels comfortable together and can develop freely.

It’s not about excessive cleanliness, but about respect. Respect for yourself, but above all for the people with whom you share this intimate experience. Tantra thrives on mindfulness – and that starts in the bathroom.

The surprisingly considerate penis

“We sat cuddled up close to each other, the mood was sparkling, the air crackled with passion.” Kissing, touching, the typical foreplay on the couch that slowly wanted to develop into something more. I was playfully unzipping my partner’s pants for an impromptu blowjob. Just before I was about to start, my partner gently stopped me and said, ‘He’s not fresh!'” Sonja says with a laugh.

This was unexpected for her. She had never experienced such an honest and considerate reaction. And instead of changing the mood, her partner created a moment of special closeness. “I was surprised, but also incredibly touched,” she adds. “It showed me how much he paid attention to me and our experience together.” A few minutes later he came back from the bathroom, freshly showered and with a big grin – ready for the rest of the evening.”

Freshening up quickly not only ensures a pleasant experience afterwards, but can also heat up the mood. Who says that a trip to the bathroom together can’t be a tingling foreplay? Romance or not, a quick hygiene check can turn a good date into a great one. When you feel fresh, you have more self-confidence in bed – and that’s the key to a truly fulfilling adventure.

More from the EXPERTS Circle

In a perfect world everything smells of roses and vanilla – in reality it smells like a long day. Does the penis need to be washed before sex or will it kill the mood? Tantra expert Regina Heckert explains.

Farewells stay with us throughout our lives. Whether it’s a fleeting “goodbye” or a heartfelt “goodbye” – how we say goodbye says a lot about us. But saying goodbye is often dismissed as unnecessary sentimentality. Is that really the case?

Unpleasant penis odor caused by smegma: what it is and why hygiene is important

If it smells cheesy and bad when you pull back the foreskin, no matter how nice foreplay is, it’s quickly over. The term smegma comes from Greek and literally means “ointment” or “soap”. Smegma is actually an ointment-like, light yellow and sticky, quickly cheese-like substance. The word may sound a bit exotic, but what it means is uncomfortably familiar to many.

Smegma is a natural substance that forms under the foreskin of the penis in men. It consists of dead skin cells, sweat, urine and sperm residues that accumulate in the intimate area. In itself it is harmless, but without regular cleaning, smegma can lead to the unpleasant odors described above and – as an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and fungi – can also promote inflammation or infections. In men, it can even cause so-called balanitis, a painful inflammation of the glans. Years of inadequate intimate hygiene in men supposedly increases the risk of penile cancer.

It is therefore important not only for love desires with a woman, but also for men themselves, to regularly pull back the foreskin and wash the underlying region thoroughly with lukewarm water.

Smegma is neither dangerous nor unusual. It is part of the body’s natural functioning. But just like with sweat or skin oil, regular hygiene ensures that it doesn’t become a problem. A daily trip to the shower, not forgetting the intimate areas in particular, is often enough to keep smegma at bay.

Book recommendation (advertisement)

“Women on the rise. The female path to sexual happiness.” by Regina Heckert

Penis hygiene made easy: Here’s how to do it right

Healthy intimate hygiene is easier than many people think – and it plays a crucial role in well-being and health. The following applies: simple routines are completely sufficient. It is enough to clean your intimate area once a day with lukewarm water, while showering or at the sink.

“We have a compartment in the bathroom with white guest towels. These are exclusively for my husband’s penis. He washes it at the sink every day, using a fresh small towel each time.” (Birgit)

This can work wonders, especially before sex: it not only helps to avoid unpleasant smells, but also the risk of transmitting pathogens. In men, the foreskin should be carefully pulled back and the skin underneath should be thoroughly cleaned. Regular but not excessive hygiene prevents various diseases such as cystitis, fungal infections or even sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea or hepatitis.

Too much of a good thing can do harm

However, washing too often and especially using harsh soaps or intimate sprays can be harmful. Such products can unbalance the skin’s natural pH and healthy bacterial flora, increasing susceptibility to infections. That’s why pH-neutral soaps without additives or fragrances, ideally with a pH value of 5.5, are most helpful.

Penis hygiene is as important as brushing your teeth

Many women hesitate to address unpleasant odors during sex and instead withdraw without saying a word. Understandable, because who wants to change the mood with a hygiene discussion? But the truth is: A freshly washed penis not only increases the desire for sex, but also makes the experience much more pleasant for both parties.

So, here’s a simple tip: If you practice cleanliness regularly, you’ll not only have better chances in bed, but you’ll also have more fun and fewer embarrassing moments. Freshness makes you sexy – and that’s what counts.

Regular and gentle intimate hygiene, like brushing your teeth, should become an integral part of daily life because it plays a central role in personal well-being, health and a fulfilling love life. Anyone who feels clean and well-groomed also radiates radiance – and that strengthens self-confidence, whether in everyday life or during romantic encounters. Just as brushing your teeth not only protects us from tooth decay, but also keeps your smile fresh and attractive, good intimate hygiene helps you feel comfortable in your own skin and be more relaxed in interpersonal contacts.

The content comes from an expert from the FOCUS online EXPERTS Circle. Our experts have a high level of specialist knowledge in their field. You are not part of the editorial team. Learn more.