
topicnews · October 9, 2024

Zumba in a wheelchair: This trainer makes the trendy dance barrier-free

Zumba in a wheelchair: This trainer makes the trendy dance barrier-free

Podcast “The Boss”
“Fulfilled sexuality is also possible with a disability”

© Claudia Kempf

Wheelchair Zumba trainer Conny Runge tells “Die Boss” about her life with paraplegia and how she turned a stroke of fate into a unique business idea.

Her YouTube videos are pure joy of life. When she leads groups in Zumba training in neon-colored shirts and matching sneakers, you immediately want to join in. The choreographies are something very special: Conny Runge, who has been paraplegic for almost 30 years, has adapted the South American dance and fitness trend for people who can no longer move their legs. And is therefore the first of its kind in Germany.

“The world has become more inclusive in the last few decades,” she says in an interview with the host of star-Podcast ”The Boss”, Simone Menne. ”There are more and more ways to participate in life in a wheelchair – traction devices that allow you to navigate forest paths and mountains, a lot of sports such as recumbent bikes and basketball, wheelchair Zumba. And the Paralympics are a media event.”

”I don’t feel offended if someone calls me disabled”

Despite her serious accident as a young woman, she does not see herself as a victim, but rather as a doer. The idea of ​​offering Zumba at rehabilitation clinics came from her own experience, which wasn’t ideal. ”I don’t feel insulted if someone calls me disabled,” she says. Rather, she would rather actively work to reduce obstacles in everyday life.

She speaks with great openness about what it means to be a woman with paraplegia – in everyday life, when training, when shopping. “When the leg muscles atrophy and the arms and shoulders become wider due to being in a wheelchair, you need different clothes to look good,” she says, and comes out as a fashion victim: “I have 28 matching sports clothes -Collections, all neon colorful and the matching sneakers.”

In addition to sport, sexuality is a topic close to her heart

With the same openness, she chats about intimate relationships, giving an insight into a world that is often closed to non-disabled people. In addition to sport, sexuality is a topic close to her heart; as a consultant in her job at a rehabilitation technology company, she has specialized in it. Also since she experienced how heartlessly it was discussed in her own rehab. “Fulfilled sexuality is also possible with a disability,” she says, “but you have to get to know your body in a completely new way. And accept that eroticism also takes place largely in the head.”

Teaser image The Boss with Simone Menne

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Despite all his optimism, Conny Runge does not hide the painful moments. When her partner is pitied for falling in love with a woman in a wheelchair. When she misses the feeling of grass and sand on the soles of her feet. She tells us how she manages to pull herself out of the swamp of thoughts and whether she can laugh at wheelchair jokes star-Podcast “The Boss – Power is Female”.

At “The Boss – Power is Female” top women talk among themselves: host and multi-supervisory board member Simone Menne (including BMW, Deutsche Post DHL, Henkel) meets bosses from all areas of society to talk to them about their lives and careers. “Die Boss” is published fortnightly on Wednesdays as well as on RTL+ and all common podcast platforms.

Editor’s note: Stern belongs to RTL Germany.