
topicnews · October 11, 2024

Friday: Game sales even without copy protection, security gap in Qualcomm chips

Friday: Game sales even without copy protection, security gap in Qualcomm chips

Game studios benefit financially from DRM when making new games, a study says. But after three months, DRM-free games could earn more. Many players reject DRM-protected games, but might decide to buy them after the copy protection is removed. Meanwhile, some Qualcomm Snapdragon chips for Android devices have a security vulnerability that is classified as critical. It has already been exploited sporadically and specifically. Although the chips have been used for several years, no large number of users are believed to have been attacked so far. In Austria, Peter Hochegger, ex-lobbyist for A1 Telekom Austria, is to pay a fine of one million euros. According to the Vienna Regional Court, he did not tax black money correctly. The amount of the penalty is remarkable in view of previous judgments on the machinations at A1 Telekom Austria – the most important reports at a glance.


“There is little justification for this copy protection) Denuvo (at Computer games for more than three months), the economist and mathematician William Volckmann summarizes his study of the Impact of DRM on PC game sales together, “especially since Denuvo negative technical side effects can have and generally rejected by players At the beginning, however, the use of copy protection (DRM, Digital Restriction Management) may be necessary paid financially make for the game studio. But the study shows that after a certain period of time it no longer makes any financial difference whether the DRM protection still exists or has been cracked: copy protection when playing games does not have to last long.

Qualcomm Has one Zero-day vulnerability confirmed in a number of mobile processors and wireless technology chips, which is already being exploited by malicious attackers. There are hardly any details yet, but there are many of those affected Chips for Android smartphones and tablets Since it has been on the market for a few years, there could have been a number of attempted attacks. However, Qualcomm is going away limited and targeted attacks out of. Security researchers also confirm this Google and Amnesty Internationalwho have discovered this security vulnerability, which has been classified as critical by the US cybersecurity agency: Zero-day vulnerability in Qualcomm mobile processors has already been attacked in isolated cases.

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The Austrian ex-monopolist A1 Telekom Austria Used the PR agency Hochegger in a variety of ways. From 2000 to 2010 38 million euros flowedn be – partly for real PR workpartly for illegal activitiesunderneath hidden party financing. Company founder Peter Hochegger is fundamentally legally binding and has been sentenced to several prison terms. One came on Thursday Fine of one million euros added: because of intentional tax evasion. Because he issued fictitious invoices and passed on the money he collected to politicians and party-affiliated organizations. The result of corruption at A1 Telekom Austria is a fine of millions for tax evasion.

The much talked about oneinterest” is not recommended as a last resort, um personal information to collect and process. This is what the European Data Protection Board in his Guidelines on the interpretation of Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation clear. In principle, a person responsible is required for the lawful use of personal data Legal basis. The reference to legitimate interests is – in addition to informed consent – ​​one of six possible relevant requirements. But what falls under this is: has been hotly debated for years. Now EU data protection advocates say: “Legitimate interest” is not a panacea.

Die electronic patient record (ePA) should be the heart of the Digitalization of the German healthcare system become. Politicians have not opted for opt-in, but for Opt out decided. This means that insured persons in the future – from 2025 – automatically receive an electronic patient record unless they object. However, health insurance companies have had to provide their insured persons with an electronic patient file free of charge since 2021. This makes it possible Share documents with doctors. Quick and easy access to important information is dying Treatment more efficient and safer make. There is now a guide on this: What is possible with the electronic patient file.

Digitalization is also a topic in the current episode of Consumer Protection Podcasts. If that digital ticket during the Train ride suddenly on the Smartphone is no longer displayed, good advice is expensive. Because the transport company quickly becomes suspicious.”Fare evasion“ in the room and the passenger is faced with an increased transport fee despite a valid ticket. You can fight against it defendbut what does it look like? legal situation in such situations? We clarify this in the episode of the c’t podcast “Caution, Customer”: Fine despite a new valid train ticket.

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