
topicnews · October 11, 2024

City decision: Before mayor’s resignation – Neubrandenburg takes down the rainbow flag

City decision: Before mayor’s resignation – Neubrandenburg takes down the rainbow flag

The Neubrandenburg city council has decided to no longer fly the rainbow flag at the train station as a result of several attacks. This emerges from a statement from the left-wing faction in the state parliament, which described the decision against the symbol of diversity as a “shameful signal”. Shortly afterwards, Mayor Silvio Witt (independent) announced his resignation in May 2025. In the past, he spoke out in favor of a cosmopolitan and tolerant Neubrandenburg – including as patron of Christopher Street Day events.

In the past, unknown people had exchanged the rainbow flag at the train station several times for a flag with a swastika. It is still unclear to what extent Witt’s resignation on Thursday is connected to such attacks and the city’s decision on Wednesday evening. “My privacy and that of my family and friends have always meant a lot to me, and I protect it.” “Therefore, I will not make any further public statements about my resignation,” the 45-year-old wrote on Facebook. In the past, he had also shown himself with the rainbow flag on social media.

Jutta Wegner, member of the state parliament for the Green Party, was dismayed after Witt’s announcement: “The numerous attacks that he has had to endure in recent years worry me.” In the city council, but also in city society, voices have become loud that are causing division and agitation and not standing up for fair treatment. In order to send a signal against the city’s decision, a vigil took place in front of the train station on Friday afternoon, as the police confirmed.

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