
topicnews · October 13, 2024

BSW is increasing again in the Insa Sunday trend

BSW is increasing again in the Insa Sunday trend

The BSW recovered in the Insa survey for the federal election. The AfD, on the other hand, has to give up one percentage point.

The BSW can gain slightly in favor of voters again, the AfD has to accept losses. In the Sunday trend, which the opinion research institute INSA collects for “Bild am Sonntag”, the Wagenknecht party gains one percentage point compared to the previous week and climbs to nine percent, the AfD loses one point to now 19 percent.

The CDU/CSU Union remains the strongest force with an unchanged 31 percent. The values ​​of the SPD (16 percent), the Greens (eleven percent), the FDP (four percent) and the Left (three percent) are also unchanged. Seven percent of those surveyed would vote for one of the other parties. If the result were the federal election, the only option would be a grand coalition – if there is no cooperation with the AfD

For the survey, 1,202 people were interviewed by telephone or online panel. The error rate is +/- 2.9 percentage points.