
topicnews · October 13, 2024

For true crime fans – Frankfurt Crime Museum shows spectacular cases – Panorama

For true crime fans – Frankfurt Crime Museum shows spectacular cases – Panorama

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The Frankfurt Crime Museum will also raise awareness among its visitors about the activities of the police. “We try to present the work of the police, make it transparent and perhaps gain a little understanding for it,” says head Anja Lange. This is particularly important in today’s world, when rescue workers, police and fire departments are repeatedly insulted or treated disrespectfully. And: The crime shows on television often ignored the actual work of the police. “A lot of things are shown that don’t correspond to reality,” says the 56-year-old official.

The museum tells the background of spectacular criminal cases in Frankfurt. There is the “hammer murderer,” who killed several homeless people with a hammer in 1990 and hanged himself after his arrest. The double murder in Niddapark is also covered – and the murder of the high-class prostitute Rosemarie Nitribitt in the 1950s. You can also see drugs, counterfeit banknotes and police protective equipment.

Drugs, flowers and exciting cases

Visitors can also see the diverse work of the police, said Lange. “We have over 400 areas of activity.” There is not only the patrol officer who records the traffic accident, but there are also many other colleagues who work in the background to solve crimes.

In a separate room, the history of the Frankfurt police is told on display boards – from the Middle Ages, through Prussia, the Weimar Republic and the National Socialist era to the work of the modern city police.

The museum originally began as a collection of forensic science teaching materials. The beginnings go back to 1920. The collection has also been open to the public since 2003. Anyone interested must register; the visit is free, but only possible with a guided tour.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:241012-930-258895/1