
topicnews · October 13, 2024

Traffic light defends changed “security package” – Union skeptical – Extreme News – The slightly different news

Traffic light defends changed “security package” – Union skeptical – Extreme News – The slightly different news

Activated on October 12th, 2024 at 6:11 p.m. by Sanjo Babić

Traffic light (symbolic image) Image: Shutterstock (symbolic image) / Riding cobbler / Own work

From the perspective of the traffic light coalition, the changes to the security package that have now become known were necessary in order to stand up before the Federal Constitutional Court. “We have closely consulted with practice and made changes to ensure that the security package is effective and legally compliant. “It’s simply better now,” said the SPD parliamentary group’s domestic policy spokesman, Sebastian Hartmann, to the “Tagesspiegel”.

With a view to the harsh criticism from the ranks of the Union faction, Hartmann said: “The CDU and CSU are bad advisors here anyway: security laws from their pen have regularly failed in Karlsruhe.”

The traffic light factions had made the security package “virtually ineffective,” complained Alexander Throm, the Union faction’s domestic policy spokesman. He particularly criticized the Liberals, “because even after Solingen, data protection is even more important to the FDP than victim protection.” There is now a need for rejections at the border, reduced social benefits for all those required to leave the country and those tolerated, as well as more police powers “on the streets and in the digital area,” as he told the “Tagesspiegel”.

“Because of all the exceptions, you can no longer see the originally intended violation of the law,” criticized the parliamentary managing director of the Union faction, Thorsten Frei. He announced to the newspaper that the CDU and CSU, who originally wanted to support the package at least in part, would discuss how to proceed in their parliamentary group meeting on Tuesday: “Personally, I can no longer imagine approval under these conditions.”

Source: dts news agency