
topicnews · October 13, 2024

Catastrophic consequences for Android and Chrome: That’s why Google shouldn’t be broken up – according to Google

Catastrophic consequences for Android and Chrome: That’s why Google shouldn’t be broken up – according to Google


Very uncomfortable times could be approaching for Google, as an antitrust case underway in the USA revealed possible consequences a few days ago in an interim report from the US Department of Justice: The The US government is calling for the company to be broken up and will give very specific steps. Google has now spoken out and rejected all demands vehemently and with compelling reasons.

Catastrophic consequences for Android and Chrome: That’s why Google shouldn’t be broken up – according to Google

When a company becomes too big and powerful, there are repeated calls for it to be broken up, especially in the USA. It is a proven threat, but has never been used on a large scale except for two cases (Standard Oil / AT&T). Many people will probably still remember the years-long antitrust proceedings against Microsoft with similar claims, which, as we all know, ended quite well for the software giants. Now Google is at a similar point, but with a significantly larger network of power and therefore a higher risk of spinoff.

A few days ago the US government published its plans Wanting to break up Google and the first demands have already been mentioned. These include, among other things, the spin-off of Android and Chrome, the opening of the search engine to the competition and deeper insights into AI activities. Google now vehemently rejects these demands, which were soon introduced into the process, and speaks of catastrophic consequences. Below you will find Google’s reasons.

Opening the search engine endangers privacy and innovation
If Google had to open the search engine data and make it available to the competition, the privacy of users would be at risk. According to Google, the users’ personal information contained therein would no longer be protected. Opening up the search index and search technologies would also lead to copycats and endanger innovation in this area. The same applies to opening up AI models to the competition. This even means that American supremacy in this area is threatened.

The end of Android and Chrome
The situation is dramatic for both Android and Chrome: Google has already invested billions of dollars in development and sees only a few other companies able to cover these costs for the free products. A spin-off would therefore lead to paid versions and thus significantly higher device prices. One comes to the conclusion that both Android and Chrome would disappear in the long term. And then it also has an impact on Apple, because it would lose stable competition to Apple’s ecosystem.

Deep changes to Android and Chrome could have a larger impact on other companies and users due to billions of users and countless partners. With Chrome, the secure infrastructure of the entire browser and Safe Browsing, a system used by several browsers worldwide, are also at risk.

The opening of the advertising business puts many companies at risk
According to Google, opening up or splitting off the advertising program and its strict guidelines would not increase competition in this area, but rather threaten equal opportunities for small and large companies. In addition, strict advertising guidelines would affect the quality of search results and therefore fall back on users looking for information.

» Google is a monopolist: US government will break up – spin off Android, Chrome and Play Store

» Android: Google now has to open the Play Store comprehensively – monopoly ruling is becoming a problem for Google
