
topicnews · October 15, 2024

Hate crimes under investigation after Rabbi attacked on Silver Spring sidewalk: police

Hate crimes under investigation after Rabbi attacked on Silver Spring sidewalk: police

A hate crime is being investigated in Montgomery County after a rabbi was attacked with a wooden pole by a 47-year-old man near several places of worship.

Junior Michael Reese, who has no permanent address, is facing charges following an incident in Silver Spring early Monday morning, officials say.

Members of the Montgomery County Police Department were called to the 1400 block of Arcola Avenue, near the Silver Spring Jewish Center and Ohr Hatorah, shortly before 10 a.m. Oct. 14 to investigate a reported assault.

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According to police, a rabbi was walking on the sidewalk when Reece swung a wooden stake, hitting him and then fleeing the area.

The rabbi suffered minor injuries. Investigators say Reece was located by officers in the area shortly after the attack.

It’s unclear what prompted Reece to attack the man.

The incident is now being investigated as a hate crime.

Reece was taken to a local hospital for evaluation and then transported to the Montgomery County Central Processing Unit where he was charged with aggravated assault and other related offenses.

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