
topicnews · October 16, 2024

Central clinic in Uthwerdum: The groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of construction

Central clinic in Uthwerdum: The groundbreaking ceremony marks the start of construction

The date for the groundbreaking ceremony for the central clinic in Uthwerdum has been set. However, construction work has been going on for several months.

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South Brookmerland – The date for the groundbreaking ceremony for the million-dollar central clinic project in Uthwerdum has been set: On Monday, November 18th, construction will symbolically begin for the new building, which has been planned and discussed for years. The sponsoring company of the Aurich-Emden-Norden clinics announced this on Tuesday. The work started in July with construction site preparations and the construction of the construction road.

From 2029, the health care of the old clinics in Aurich, Norden and Emden will be bundled in the new central clinic, which has previously been estimated at around 822 million euros in total costs.