
topicnews · October 17, 2024

The congressmen who no longer cared about war powers

The congressmen who no longer cared about war powers

The only time Congress ever invoked the War Powers Act to stop a war was when Donald Trump was president. In 2019, both chambers of Congress were represented made a decision They are calling for the withdrawal of US forces from the Saudi-led war in Yemen. In 2020 both houses voted to stop it “Hostilities against the Islamic Republic of Iran … unless expressly authorized by a declaration of war or specific authorization for the use of military force.” Although Trump vetoed both, there was bipartisan support for enforcing Congress’s powers over war and peace.

Now that Joe Biden is President Deployment of US troops To help Israel fight Iran, many members of Congress appear to be okay with unauthorized military action. And like the earlier push for restraint, this newfound aggressive stance is bipartisan. Representative Matt Gaetz (Republican of Florida) spoke positively about Biden’s deployment of troops and Senator Richard Blumenthal (Democrat of Connecticut) openly supported it. Both voted for the War Powers Resolution 2020. Critics of other war powers remained silent.

Rep. Scott Perry (R–Pa.) was one of the few public skeptics of the deployment. “I am pleased that we are providing Israel with the defense equipment, ammunition, etc.,” he said in a statement Online talk show. “I don’t know why American soldiers need to be there in the combat zone… America is being unnecessarily drawn further into this war.”

Four Democratic Congressmen –Cori Bush from Missouri, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez from New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan – also called on the Biden administration to end military support for Israel, without specifically mentioning troop deployment.

The Pentagon on Sunday announced the deployment of around 100 soldiers to operate a THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense) missile battery in Israel. The operation is carried out publicly as Israeli leadership Plan to attack Iran as part of a competition between the two countries in recent months. The Iranian government has implied If Israel attacks, it will retaliate regardless of whether US troops are in the way.

And the danger to American lives is not just in the event of an Iranian attack. A few hours after the announcement of the THAAD operation, the Lebanese Hezbollah militia killed four Israeli soldiers and wounded dozens Drone attack at a military base deep in Israeli territory.

The War Powers Act requires The President must notify Congress within 48 hours of the deployment of troops “in hostilities or in situations where imminent participation in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances” and sets a deadline of 60 days for congressional approval for use. It also requires separate notification when sending U.S. troops to another country that is “equipped for combat.”

Although Congress provides arms and money to Israel, it has not voted to authorize or fund the direct use of American troops to defend Israel Brian Finucane, a former U.S. State Department lawyer now an adviser to the nonprofit International Crisis Group.

The Biden administration is “deploying troops to Israel, which is waging war on multiple fronts, with the expectation that they may have to defend themselves against Iranian missile attacks,” Finucane says. “It is quite difficult to argue that not only were U.S. forces not sent to a foreign country to be ready for combat, but also that they are not deployed in hostilities or impending hostilities.”

Hard to argue, but some members of Congress are trying anyway. “I very much welcome the administration’s decision,” said Blumenthal, the Democratic senator, NBC said. “The anti-aircraft system may only be used for defense.”

In 2020, he took a very different tone when it came to taking military action without congressional approval. A vote in Congress “gives the people who have to make sacrifices in this war a voice in the decision,” said Blumenthal said on the Senate floor. “It gives a voice to the experts on this panel who may have perspective and wisdom.” [sic] This is a useful review of the executive branch on these issues. And let us not forget that military actions taken without strategy and without the consent of the American people have real consequences for everyone who serves our nation in uniform.”

Gaetz, the Republican congressman, defended Biden’s efforts with the same words as Blumenthal. “I think our troops are already there. I am considering THAAD force protection,” Gaetz said in an email. There was one US military radar station in Israel since 2017 and in the Pentagon consultants employed To Israel in late 2023 to share surveillance data with the Israeli military.

However, these previous troop deployments were not “equipped for combat,” emphasizes Finucane. “These THAAD batteries are not used to protect U.S. forces. They are used to protect Israel,” he added in response to Gaetz’s statement. “The political merits can be debated, that’s just the reality. And the government really doesn’t pretend to say otherwise.”

Others simply avoided broaching the subject.

In 2018, Senators Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced the War Powers Resolution on U.S. involvement in Yemen. The U.S. forces that refueled Saudi aircraft and assisted the Saudi military in planning operations faced far less risk of attack than American troops stationed in Israel today.

“Here’s the bottom line: If the President or members of Congress believe that supporting the war is in the interests of the United States and that we should participate in it, then they should come before Congress, present their arguments and… “Vote in convention,” Sanders said during a Press conference 2018 Introduction of the resolution.

“Especially when American lives are being put at risk and American resources are being expended on a particular conflict, the American people have every right and every legitimate expectation that their elected representatives in Congress debate it, and we will debate it and not only.” Allow it to happen,” Lee added at that press conference.

In 2020, Murphy made one passionate speech about war powers. “We are listening as the administration and its advocates urge Congress and the American people to sidestep this debate, suggesting that we are somehow harming troops by questioning U.S. military objectives abroad pose,” he said. And in 2021 he proposed a War power reform that would define “hostilities” as “any situation involving the use of lethal or potentially lethal force by or against armed forces of the United States.”

Neither Sanders nor Lee nor Murphy have commented on the THAAD deployment. None of them responded to that ReasonPlease comment.

Like Murphy, some lawmakers continued their advocacy for war powers in the Biden administration. But they were much more willing to criticize hypothetically battle than the actual battle in Israel that U.S. forces are supposed to be preparing for.

Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-Illinois) was a key supporter of the 2020 War Powers Resolution and after pro-Iranian guerrillas killed three American troops on the Syria-Jordanian border Earlier this yearShe criticized Republican calls for retaliation.

“If Republicans truly want to risk war with Iran, they owe it to our troops to provide authorization for the use of military force,” Duckworth said said. “Instead of hiding behind social media accounts and television interviews, bring this debate to this room so that we can actually do our duty and begin the serious task of weighing the pros and cons of such a conflict.”

She did not comment on the THAAD effort and her office declined to speak with her Reason on the protocol.

Gaetz, who described the THAAD operation as a form of “force protection,” had strongly opposed a previous U.S. operation in Palestinian areas under Israeli supervision. Earlier this year, the US military decided to build one temporary pier off the coast of Gaza to deliver food aid to Israeli-occupied territories Netzarim Corridor. (It was taken apart over the summer.) To one Hearing in April 2024Gaetz asked Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin about the risk that the pier could be attacked.

“When Americans think of ground boots, they think of Americans in danger or actively engaged in a conflict. What you seem to be saying is that boots on a pier tied to the ground connected to soldiers shooting in Gaza do no good. “This doesn’t count as boots on the ground,” Gaetz said. “I think you’ll find that the American people have a different perspective on this. And if we see people shooting at Gaza, we should probably vote on it under our war powers.”

Wars supported by the other party are easy to fight. This also applies to hypothetical future wars. It’s much harder to have this debate when American soldiers are on the ground and about to be fired upon. But then the debate is most important.