
topicnews · October 17, 2024

Violence in football: Before the summit: Minister calls for more consistent stadium bans

Violence in football: Before the summit: Minister calls for more consistent stadium bans

Shortly before the security summit on German football, Bavaria’s Interior Minister demands Joachim Herrmann a more decisive approach by associations, leagues and clubs against violent criminals. The CSU politician cites stadium bans for rioters or partial exclusions of fans as possible sanctions, which he wants to discuss with Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), department colleagues from other countries and representatives of the DFB and DFL on Friday in Munich.

The German Press Agency previously told Herrmann that one should take the example of another country in Europe, such as Italy. “If things have escalated and there have been major security breaches, then a club has to play the next away or home game with a significantly reduced number of spectators or without their own fans,” said the current chairman of the Conference of Sports Ministers.

Herrmann: Why are there hardly any stadium bans in Germany?

“I don’t wish that. But we need to talk about why such measures only exist in other European countries. The same applies to the topic of stadium bans: If these have an effect in other countries, why are they not applied in Germany at all? asked Herrmann. He hopes that clubs will “implement stadium bans more consistently” and that there will be initial results at the summit.

Should he football If you don’t act decisively, Herrmann doesn’t rule out consequences from politics. He emphasized that he did not want to make any threats, but added: “Of course politicians and the security authorities have a responsibility, that is the case with every large public event.” The minister believes that the burning of pyrotechnics in particular poses a very great danger spectators.

No invitation to fans: CSU politician asks for “understanding”

A number of fan associations and some clubs criticized the meeting and accused politics of populism. They argue that the issue of violence is exaggerated and that stadiums are actually very safe places. In addition, experts doubt that harsher punishments will lead to fewer riots.

There is also criticism that fans were not invited to the summit. Herrmann said: “When it comes to the security concepts for the stadiums, I ask for your understanding.” He made a comparison: “The security concept for the Oktoberfest is between the police and the state capital Munich discussed without asking millions of visitors how they would like it. That is the job of security authorities.”

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