
topicnews · October 17, 2024

The 5 most important career tips from Daimler boss Ola Källenius

The 5 most important career tips from Daimler boss Ola Källenius

Ola Källenius is one of the most powerful minds in the automotive industry. If he were to study again today, he would choose computer science.
Picture Alliance: Photo Hübner / Collage: Business Insider, Frauwallner

Ola Källenius, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, gives five tips that aspiring managers and young people should know before embarking on a career.

In an interview with the Young Economist, he estimated that 50 percent of his own career was due to chance.

Källenius admits that today he would rather study computer science than business administration.

How much chance is there in a career and how much can you do about it yourself? Ola Källenius, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Group AG, gave an insight into his career and the role that chance plays in it in an interview with the YouTube format “Young Economist”. The 55-year-old Mercedes boss reveals five points about what a prospective manager is and what everyone with career aspirations should know.

Not with that too

Three surprising things the automobile bosses from VW, Daimler, BMW and Audi have in common

1. You can’t carve a career in stone

When Källenius is asked what percentage of his career was a coincidence, he explains: “Probably 50 percent.” There is no career planning where you can say from the start: ‘This is what I’m going to do next, that’s what comes after that.’ That’s not how it works.”

Instead of chance, chance plays a big role. You have to be ready to take advantage of opportunities and do your best. But set plans? “Forget that,” said Källenius. “Chance takes over.” Carving career planning in stone rarely leads to success.

Was it his goal to become CEO one day? Here too, Källenius remains modest: “I didn’t think like that,” he admits in an interview with “Young Economist”. Although he knew that he would take over the CEO position from Dieter Zetsche on May 22, 2019, it was only over time that he realized what that actually meant.

“You only really understand what it means to bear responsibility when you do the job,” says Källenius. “It’s a team effort, but ultimately you are responsible,” is how he describes the responsibility he has for Mercedes employees.

2. Relax when planning your career

“At least 50 percent is a coincidence,” emphasizes Källenius again. That’s why he advises taking a more relaxed view of things and seizing opportunities when they arise.

3. Be curious and open

Openness to new experiences and perhaps other countries is crucial. For Källenius, curiosity and ambition are important qualities on the path to success.

4. Entrepreneurship is a team sport

He reminds us that a career is not just about oneself: “It’s always about the company and the team,” he says.

5. Choose your studies wisely

If he could study again today, he says, he would choose computer science – and not business administration, even though he enjoyed studying at the time.
