
topicnews · October 18, 2024

European Table Tennis Championships – “It’s so bitter”: European Championship exit after three match points – Sport

European Table Tennis Championships – “It’s so bitter”: European Championship exit after three match points – Sport

Linz (dpa) – Two months after her big appearance at the Olympic Games, German table tennis hope Annett Kaufmann experienced a bitter afternoon at the European Championships in Linz. After missing three match points, the 18-year-old missed the final of the mixed competition together with world number 12 Patrick Franziska. The German duo lost 2:3 sets in the semifinals against Sofia Polcanova and Robert Gardos from Austria.

“It’s difficult at the moment, it’s so bitter,” said Kaufmann, who had recently been eliminated in the doubles match with her national team colleague Nina Mittelham against the two Swedes Christina Källberg and Linda Bergström (1:3).

“Proud of our medal”

After their bitter defeat, Kaufmann and Franziska at least secured the bronze medal in the mixed doubles. Because third places are not specifically contested at world and European table tennis championships.

“If there is some calm, we will also be proud of our medal and this performance on our mixed debut,” said Kaufmann. The level in this tight semi-final in particular “was incredibly high”. For the 18-year-old, it is not the first European Championship medal of her young career: the multiple European Junior Champion already won the European Championship title with the German team in 2021 and 2023.

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