
topicnews · October 18, 2024

Sniff! 5 tips to help us get through the cold season

Sniff! 5 tips to help us get through the cold season

The reality check in advance: Getting through autumn and winter without a single cold is almost impossible. Because at this time of year there are countless pathogens in circulation, explains the portal “infection” of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). The infection process is currently mainly determined by rhinoviruses and the coronavirus, according to evaluations by the Influenza Working Group at the Robert Koch Institute.

After all, we can do something ourselves to reduce our risk of infection, support our immune system and protect our loved ones. An overview:

1. Healthy behaviors help the immune system

Sleep enough, exercise a lot, avoid constant stress, don’t smoke and eat balanced: these behaviors help to strengthen our immune system, writes the Health Knowledge Foundation.

When it comes to nutrition, many people immediately think of vitamin C, which is said to protect against colds. “This is an important tool when dealing with pathogens,” says Ulrich Fegeler from the Professional Association of Pediatricians and Adolescents (BVKJ). But there is no need for expensive drops or special products: a balanced diet contains enough vitamin C to cover your needs. According to the German Nutrition Society (DGE), a lot of it is contained in cabbage, peppers, potatoes, citrus fruits and tomatoes.

And of course: drink lots and lots. This keeps the mucous membranes in the mouth, throat and nose moist – so they can better defend themselves against pathogens.

2. Don’t neglect hand washing

Respiratory viruses that get onto our hands via door handles or train rails quickly land on our mucous membranes when we touch our faces – the starting point for a cold. Washing your hands interrupts this transmission route, according to “infection”. A must is the example after coming home, going to the toilet, blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing, coming into contact with sick people and also before meals.

Thorough hand washing takes time: 20 to 30 seconds. According to “infection” it should be. In order to really get rid of the majority of germs, thorough soaping is necessary. This means: We should also pay attention to the spaces between the fingers, the thumb and the fingernails at the sink.

3. Set up your medicine cabinet well

Are the throat lozenges ready to hand if your throat gets scratchy? Now is a good time to check your medicine cabinet. According to the Health Knowledge Foundation, expired medications should no longer be taken and should instead be thrown away.

Good to know about cough syrups: After first opening, the shelf life can be shortened. Therefore, you should pay attention to the packaging when you open it – a good resolution for this cold season.

If you want to equip yourself with nasal spray or drops, you shouldn’t be blinded by good-sounding additives. According to Stiftung Warentest, ingredients such as dexpanthenol, aloe vera, chamomile flower extract or essential oils are unnecessary. It has not been sufficiently proven that they additionally care for the nose. Preparations that only contain water and salt are therefore completely sufficient to counteract the stuffy nose.

4. Check vaccination protection

More than just a harmless cold: pathogens such as flu, corona or RS viruses can cause serious illnesses for some people. You can now protect yourself with a vaccination in the fall.

However, the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) does not recommend this to everyone, but only to risk groups. Older because their immune system is weakening: everyone aged 60 and over is advised to get the flu and corona vaccination, and everyone aged 75 and over is recommended for the RSV vaccination.

If there are underlying diseases, vaccinations are also recommended for younger people. And even if you have a lot to do with people at work, a flu vaccination makes sense. It’s best to get individual advice from your family doctor’s office.

5. Protection for others: Through proper sneezing and ventilation

Don’t sneeze or cough into your hand, but into your elbow: We paid attention to this during the corona pandemic. And this rule of conduct still protects others from infections. Because respiratory viruses also float in the air in fine droplets and can be transmitted in this way, the following also applies: ventilate regularly, which sends them out.

And if, despite all your caution, your throat hurts and your head throbs? Then, if possible, you should stay at home for three to five days until the symptoms have improved significantly, advises “infection”. If possible, avoid contact with anyone who is at increased risk of serious illness during this time. These include, for example, infants, pregnant women, people with immunodeficiency and the elderly.