
topicnews · October 19, 2024

Stefan (THE TiPS) in the Short & Sweet interview

Stefan (THE TiPS) in the Short & Sweet interview

With Stefan (THE TIPS) I was able to do a slightly different interview via email. We have over Come closerthe current release, future plans, but also piercings, funeral music and much more. Have fun reading! (Note: This interview is from 2018 and appeared elsewhere.)

1. If I had a piercing, I would hang on the following place and on the following person…?

Stephen (THE TIPS): I can hardly imagine myself as an accessory. If I become part of someone else, it will be as an organ donor.

2. Is your motto in life?

I don’t have a general motto.
But it turns out that “perseverance” is rewarded.

3. Running away from a conflict or seeking a solution?

I’m always interested in the solution. Of course, this can sometimes involve running away.

4. What music should be played at your funeral?

Phew! I’m a stickler in life. I never actually plan that far ahead. And then I’m not even there yet.
Maybe these:
House of Cards – Radiohead
The past recedes – John Frusciante
Dog time is over – Florence + The Machine

5. Which film do you find really funny?

Larger than life – the truck scene just pops into my head every few months and I don’t know why but it makes me laugh out loud no matter where I am.

6. I’m a good loser when it comes to…?

With everything. You see, I even win there 😉

7. The best ballad in your opinion?

Imagine John Lennon

8. Your three top music releases of all time – and please give a short sentence about each, why?

I would actually have to stop countless slices. Here are 3 that I still celebrate with friends to this day. In random order.
Back then it wasn’t that easy to get records here at the same time as the US release. The Internet was still in its infancy. With RATM, I knew that the record wouldn’t be delivered before my vacation. However, the disc was discussed in MTV’s Headbangers Ball. Then I hung on the TV with my tape deck and recorded it. So I had the disc with me on vacation. Rushing against the machine. Was cool. It’s cool.
2.)Glassjaw – everything you ever wanted to know about silence
The album impressed and had a lasting influence on me on every level. At the same time there was sooooo much overproduced stuff out there, the record was incredibly honest and exactly what I needed at the time.
3.) Miles Davis – Kinda blue
My first band was a punk band. I played bass because we didn’t have bass players. That was actually the only reason. The passion was initially for punk, not so much for playing. I had songs in my head and wanted to hear them too. If it was necessary to learn bass, bring it on.
Fortunately, as my interest in playing the bass grew, I was able to break away from the miserable one-finger technique. As making music became more and more important in addition to the band, as a social support and a chosen family, the horizon became broader and I looked outside the box in all directions. And played in a few jazz bands. You can’t avoid a work like “so what”. And I finally understood how seriously and yet relaxed you can make music.

9. Please count our readers from your current publication.

We are not good at being still or sitting still. That’s why it wasn’t a disc for hanging around, but rather for points in Flensburg.
Not for staying at the festival campsite, more for stage diving. Music to jump around and sing along to.

10. What are your future plans?

Yes, go! Tours. Album recording. Being out and about and getting to know people. We are already on the right track. And notice this in each other at every session. We are passionate and constantly have new ideas. It’s great fun and that has to remain the first goal above all others.