
topicnews · September 5, 2024

Many young women in Saxony no longer want to take the pill

Many young women in Saxony no longer want to take the pill

Many young women in Saxony no longer want to take the pill

Skepticism about hormonal contraception is growing, as new billing data from AOK shows. But the simplest hormone-free alternative is not popular with everyone.

Birth control pills are one of the very safe contraceptives.
© Annette Riedl/dpa

63 years ago it was celebrated as the “liberation of women”, but today it is increasingly being rejected: the contraceptive pill. Young women have become particularly skeptical. This is shown by an analysis of billing data from the AOK, with which almost one in three Germans is insured. They are representative. “While in 2020 more than one in three of those under 23 had the pill prescribed, by 2023 it was only one in four,” says Eike Eymers, a doctor in the medical staff of the AOK Federal Association. The difference is even greater if you look further back: ten years ago, 43 percent of young women were still using the oral contraceptive.

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