
topicnews · September 6, 2024

Dangerous knockout drops – men are said to have drugged and robbed date contacts – Panorama

Dangerous knockout drops – men are said to have drugged and robbed date contacts – Panorama

Berlin (dpa) – Two men from Berlin are said to have deliberately used a dating app for homosexuals to establish contact with men in Prague and then drugged and robbed them in their apartments. The Berlin public prosecutor’s office has now brought charges against the 23-year-old and the 27-year-old man for aggravated robbery and dangerous bodily harm, it was announced.

The two men are said to have made contact and then traveled to Prague in October 2021. The 27-year-old allegedly prepared drinks with so-called knockout drops. The younger man is said to have then met the victims in their apartments with these drinks in order to rob them in their drugged state. On October 16, 2021, he is said to have stolen a cell phone from a 40-year-old man.

One day later, the two men are said to have given another victim, aged 31, the drink with knockout drops, after which the man became unconscious and suffered serious health damage. He later had to spend several weeks in hospital and then attend rehab. The two defendants are said to have stolen a smartphone and a laptop worth 2,348 euros from the man.

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