
topicnews · September 6, 2024

Investigators find videos with ex-RAF terrorist Garweg

Investigators find videos with ex-RAF terrorist Garweg

Following the arrest of former RAF terrorist Daniela Klette, investigators have seized two previously unknown video files.

They show Klette’s accomplice Burkhard Garweg, who is in hiding, reports “Spiegel”. In one of the film sequences, which is said to have been recorded in Berlin, a sentence spoken by Garweg can also be heard. The Lower Saxony State Office of Criminal Investigation will soon go public with this. Among other things, the investigators hope that witnesses will be able to recognize Garweg’s voice and provide clues to his hiding place.

Screenshots from the second video are to be published. It was apparently recorded in an apartment in Hildesheim that Garweg and his alleged accomplices are said to have rented under a false identity – possibly to spy on a target. According to the investigation, the ex-terrorists robbed a Hildesheim supermarket in 2016, but were unable to steal any money at the time.

In February, Garweg fled after Klette warned him of her arrest. There is also no trace of the wanted Ernst-Volker Staub, 69. The trio is believed to be responsible for a series of robberies. The Federal Prosecutor’s Office is also investigating Klette, Garweg and Staub in connection with as yet unsolved RAF attacks in the 1990s.

dts news agency

Photo: Wanted photos of Burkhard Garweg (archive), via dts news agency