
topicnews · September 6, 2024

The “Parenting Guides for a Good Start”

The “Parenting Guides for a Good Start”

Help and relief for young families

For three years, Diana Gehling-Schmidt and Monika Wiborny have been informing, advising and networking parents and professionals in the Stormarn district for the “Parents’ Guides for a Good Start”. The target group are pregnant women and parents with children aged 0 to 3, doctors, advice centers, day care centers and child day care.

It is important for them to find suitable contacts and offers that support the family in their problem situation.

The concerns and problems can be diverse: Where can I find help in dealing with my baby, with crying, sleeping and breastfeeding problems, with relationship and parenting problems, as well as relief and group offers or the search for a childcare place.

It is important to the two guides to create a safe and functioning network in the social environment of those seeking advice. This can extend over a longer period of time if necessary.

The parent guides offer two to three open consultation hours per week in family centers throughout the district. Parents and professionals can come with their affected children without prior registration.

All current dates can be found on the website