
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Start of new school year in the west and south

Start of new school year in the west and south

One week after school started in the east, school will start again tomorrow in Carinthia, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol and Vorarlberg. For 656,000 children and young people, the holidays and kindergarten period will end, and for around 55,500 children it will be the very first day of school in primary school. The new school year will last until June 27, 2025 in the east and until July 4 in the other federal states.

This school year will bring changes especially for high school graduates at AHS and students at vocational secondary schools (BMS). At BMS, final papers will be cancelled completely.

At the AHS, there is no requirement to write a pre-scientific paper (VWA). Instead, there is a “final paper”, which can also be a multimedia product, video report or podcast.