
topicnews · September 9, 2024

Media release: «Trash throwing at the Knabenschiessen» | Press portal

Media release: «Trash throwing at the Knabenschiessen» | Press portal

IG Clean Environment IGSU

A document

Throwing rubbish at the Knabenschiessen

For years, the Knabenschiessen has not only been looking for a shooting queen or king, but also for waste heroes: The Swiss Competence Center against Littering IGSU encouraged the Chilbi visitors this year to symbolically declare their opposition to littering by signing white posters.

In order to keep the waste situation under control, the Zurich City Shooting Society also implemented various measures against littering at the last Knabenschiessen, such as close cooperation with the stand operators, a comprehensive disposal infrastructure and a deposit of reusable cups. The presence of the Swiss Competence Center against Littering IGSU has also been part of this for years: The IGSU ambassador teams motivate the partygoers to declare their opposition to littering with signatures, funny sayings or creative drawings on white posters. “Particularly in groups, really funny sayings and drawings sometimes emerge because the partygoers want to inspire and outdo each other,” says Cédric Québatte, team leader of the IGSU ambassadors, from experience. “However, there are also many silent confessors who leave behind remarkable poetry.” Groundskeeper Heinz Büttler agrees: “Most visitors are willing to dispose of waste correctly. With a comprehensive waste disposal concept, we as organizers are doing everything we can to create optimal conditions for a clean festival site. And the IGSU ambassador teams ensure that the good intentions are implemented even in the hustle and bustle and after a few drinks.”

Wide interest in proven measure

The awareness-raising missions of the IGSU ambassador team are one of the most effective measures of the IGSU: Since 2007, they have been travelling through all parts of Switzerland every summer and raising awareness of littering and recycling among passers-by in a friendly and humorous way. Missions also take place in autumn and winter: then the IGSU ambassador teams raise awareness on hiking trails and in ski resorts. They also ensure less littering at events such as street food festivals, city festivals or funfairs, such as the Zurich Knabenschiessen, and use workshops to raise awareness of the littering problem among pupils from kindergarten to vocational school or high school.

Support for cities, communities and schools

The IGSU also supports cities, municipalities and schools with many other preventive awareness-raising measures in their commitment to combating littering. For example, with the national IGSU Clean-Up Day, which is supported by the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN, the Swiss Association for Municipal Infrastructure SVKI and the Pusch Foundation. This year, the Switzerland-wide IGSU Clean-Up Day will take place on September 13 and 14. Together with Swiss Recycle, the IGSU offers free teaching materials for teachers – the “Anti-Littering and Recycling Heroes”. The IGSU also supports institutions in the implementation of space sponsorship projects and awards the No-Littering label to cities, municipalities and schools that are committed to combating littering.

The IGSU ambassador teams are raising awareness with campaigns in all parts of the country:
IGSU Tour 2024

Media contact

  • Nora Steimer, IGSU Managing Director, 043 500 19 91, 076 406 13 86, [email protected]
  • Heinz Büttler, groundskeeper of the Knabenschiessen, telephone 079 928 70 72

IGSU – Swiss Competence Center against Littering

The IGSU is the Swiss competence center against littering and has been working nationally since 2007 with preventive awareness-raising measures for a clean environment. One of the best-known measures is the national IGSU Clean-Up Day, which will take place this year on September 13th and 14th. The IGSU is supported by the IGORA Cooperative for Aluminum Recycling, PET Recycling Switzerland, VetroSwiss, 20Minuten, McDonald’s Switzerland, Migros, Coop, Valora, Feldschlösschen, Coca-Cola Switzerland and the International Chewing Gum Association. They are also involved in their own activities against littering and, for example, set up additional trash cans, carry out regular clean-up tours around their branches or organize clean-up campaigns with the population.

Do you need a quote for a report on littering or do you have a question on the topic? The IGSU experts are happy to help you.

Hohlstrasse 532
8048 Zürich
Tel 043 500 19 99
 [email protected]