
topicnews · September 11, 2024

Brat 3, Bully 0 – Inside Paradeplatz

Brat 3, Bully 0 – Inside Paradeplatz

When the match started at 3:15 a.m. Swiss time, she was at his side for the handshake. The “champ” is a real fighter.

Then it started – and favorite Trump lost his kick. Like a battered Ali, his all-round punches missed the target.

The longer the big TV debate about the US presidential election in November lasted, the more it became clear:

Trump is a bully without any fresh ideas.

Disenchanted (NBC)

Kamala Harris, called “Brat” by her fans, started stiffly, reciting memorized lines.

Soon she was in a good mood, seemed fresh and friendly, smiling without being trivial. If you are serious, you choose a certain facial expression and a sonorous tone.

A stateswoman who believes her husband is capable of leading the superpower.

Who would have thought?

“3:1 for Harris. Trump fails,” writes Markus Somm from Nebelspalter, who would rather have Trump at the top.

“Harris puts Trump on the defensive in bitter presidential debate clash,” headlines the Financial Times.

You can keep the musk (FT)

The global business leaders’ newspaper immediately featured Taylor Swift’s endorsement of Harris.

With the pop star, young voices reign.

How bad the night was for Trump was shown by the headline of the conservative Wall Street Journal.

“Trump and Harris exchanged contradictions in a heated debate.” The Journal would have loved to declare Trump the winner.

It didn’t work.

Trump looks back, Harris looks forward. A modern Kennedy.

The first since time immemorial.

“We have so much more in common,” began the poster girl for the Democrats, who are determined to keep the White House, in her closing remarks.

Blue wins (NBC)

What is crucial is that all Americans can once again have “dreams and hopes” to rise above.

With an “opportunity economy”.

Harris’ performance in one sentence: “Bringing up optimism”.

And Trump? His key message was: We are lost. Doomed. Game over.

“We have a nation in decline, a nation that is dying.” Could it be any more dire? Yes. “We will end up in World War III.”

Tanned, incredibly fit for a bald 80-year-old, in a navy blue blazer, the US pin above his heart.

Harris wore a black jacket with a white scarf and a diamond ring in her ear. Pin on the left breast – obligatory for America’s “left”.

“Everyone knows she’s a Marxist,” Trump said. “The world leaders are laughing at Donald Trump,” Harris said.

She now has her sights set on victory.

Two months ago, she was considered the grey number 2 – at best a stopgap for the faltering Joe Biden.

That night, Harris rose to become the woman who wants to lead the Old West to new shores.

By showing the United States and Putin its teeth.

What would happen under her one day? Who knows. One thing is certain: she’s effective. Er, Trump, rumble.

That’s how quickly things happen in the country that creates unlimited opportunities – again and again. Unique on the planet.