
topicnews · September 11, 2024

Bernhard Raimann and wife Calli announce their baby joy

Bernhard Raimann and wife Calli announce their baby joy

Shortly after the defeat he can laugh again

NFL star Raimann surprised his fans after the final whistle

Bernhard Raimann and his wife Calli can hardly believe their luck


The opening defeat is quickly forgotten!

Bernhard Raimann (26) started his third NFL season with a defeat, but can smile again shortly afterwards: The Austrian and his wife Calli are expecting their first child!

Bernhard Raimann holds up cute baby jersey

Björn Werner (r) is happy for Bernhard Raimann

RTL expert Björn Werner (r.) is happy for Bernhard Raimann


Raimann and his Indianapolis Colts lost 27:29 to the Houston Texans. The disappointment after the game was great, but when he saw his girlfriend, Raimann quickly found his smile again – and surprised many fans a little later with a sweet announcement on Instagram!

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The 26-year-old posed beaming with his girlfriend on the sidelines of Colts Stadium, holding up his baby-sized jersey. The couple wrote: “Our baby girl will be joining Team Raimann in February 2025. We couldn’t be more excited for this new adventure.”

Under the Instagram post, both fans and friends send warm words to the expectant parents, and the German former NFL star and current RTL expert Björn Werner is also happy for Raimann: “Congratulations to you both”Werner comments on the article.

In the video: Raimann wins in front of his family