
topicnews · September 15, 2024

How social media affects dating and relationships

How social media affects dating and relationships

  1. Fulda Newspaper
  2. counselor
  3. Health
Other people’s happiness can lead to doubts about your own relationship. How social media influences partnerships. © Addictive Stock/Imago

Those who compare themselves with perfect pictures on social networks are more likely to doubt their own relationship. How digital networks influence love.

Whether it’s pictures from your last holiday together, the perfect date or even building a house – social media channels like Instagram usually only show the good sides of a relationship. Many people are influenced by the perfect representation. Because the digital comparison with apparently carefree couples and marriages makes many users doubt their own relationship, writes

Comparison with perfect couples: How social media influences relationships

Of the couples who express their love online in the form of videos and pictures, none of them is ever in a bad mood or argues. Rather, most children stage a happy partnership or marriage to the outside world. This also has consequences for the viewers. “We get so many impulses from other couples and situations where people stage themselves that we simply want to keep up to a certain extent,” explains couple therapist and relationship coach Eric Hegmann in an interview with the German Radio.

According to a new survey by the dating platform Parship Around two thirds (about 63 percent) of all women and men are convinced that ideas about love and relationships are more influenced by external factors today than they used to be. Among younger people between 18 and 29 years of age, the figure is as high as 70 percent. Around 45 percent also said that images of happy couples on social media in particular influence their view of relationships. This influence only diminishes as people get older.

A recent representative study by the dating portal Elite Partnerin which 3340 couples were surveyed. According to the study, social media not only puts a strain on many relationships, but also causes conflicts. Younger couples up to 39 years of age in particular feel under pressure when they compare themselves with others and find their relationship boring.

Social media: How Instagram & Co. influence relationships

Perfect-looking pictures on social media also make many people question their own relationships and put pressure on them. Younger participants under 30 find their relationships boring when they compare them to others. Ten percent think that social media leads to excessive demands on their own relationships. However, men and women do not start to ponder in the same way: overall, happy couple photos made more men than women doubt.

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