
topicnews · September 16, 2024

“First Dates”: When “First Dates”: When Naschi sees her date, she immediately knows

“First Dates”: When “First Dates”: When Naschi sees her date, she immediately knows

In “First Dates,” Naschi is disappointed at first sight of her date partner and considers ending the evening early.

Cologne – I am “First Dates”Naschi (36) is looking for her dream man in the restaurant of celebrity chef Roland Trettl (53). But when she first sees Christian (35), she is speechless.

When Naschi (36) sees her date, her good mood is gone. © Screenshot: RTL+

The 36-year-old from Nuremberg knows exactly what her future husband should look like. He should not only have well-groomed hands, but above all clean fingernails. She also hopes for beautiful eyes and a great charisma.

“Naschi? Like a pear?” Trettl says when greeting them with their unusual first names, but the 36-year-old just rolls her eyes in annoyance.

While she waits anxiously at the bar, her date Christian (35) from Eisenach walks to the door in a good mood. Naschi quickly looks away and tries to keep her composure, but disappointment is clearly written on her face:

First dates: "First dates": When Marcel asks this question, Trish is totally surprised!
First Dates – A table for two
“First Dates”: When Marcel asks this question, Trish is totally surprised!

“My first impression was: This isn’t going to work! I just didn’t have the charisma (…) it just didn’t click!” she says sadly.

Naschi tries to pull herself together and goes through with the date with Christian (35).

Naschi tries to pull herself together and goes through with the date with Christian (35). © Screenshot: RTL+

“First Dates”: There is an awkward silence between Naschi and Christian!

At the table, the two don’t have much to say to each other.

At the table, the two don’t have much to say to each other. © Screenshot: RTL+

For Christian, Naschi has the “wow factor” and he can’t believe his luck. He quickly dismisses the fact that the 36-year-olds are taciturn and barely interested in him as excitement. “I didn’t break off the date because I find it a bit uncomfortable,” Naschi justifies himself in the interview and goes to the table with slumped shoulders.

In her free time, the 36-year-old does a lot of sport and is always on the go. Christian loves spending cozy evenings in front of the TV and never misses an episode of “First Dates” or “The Perfect Dinner”. But when it comes to relationships, the two couldn’t be more different.

While Naschi was already married, Christian had not yet been in a long-term relationship. This was an absurdity for the 36-year-old, who gloated: “There must be some reason for it.” In the end, both decided against a second date.

Christian and Naschi decide against a second date.

Christian and Naschi decide against a second date. © Screenshot: RTL+

A new episode of “First Dates” will air this Monday evening at 6 p.m. on VOX. I stream on RTL+ You can watch the show in advance.